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Rofrane Bambara (Large Families) explains why his move to his new home was so quick

Although she is no longer in the cast of Large families: life in XXL, Rofrane Bambara continues to share news from his clan on social networks. This Thursday, June 13, she looks back on a stroke of luck that changed their lives.

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The faithful of the docu-reality Large families: life in XXL have long been moved by the journey of Rofrane and Nasser Bambara. By opening the doors to their daily lives, the parents of Kheïry, Chemsy, Hajar and Noor wanted to raise public awareness of autism, a disorder that affects their quadruplets and which requires special care. Every week, the children have numerous medical appointments. Although both parents do their best to support them, their patience is sometimes severely tested. On June 10, Rofrane said that his car journeys were particularly trying: “It’s complicated if I don’t answer… They untie [leur ceinture] and come to me so that I can answer them or else they have a complete fit.”

The quadruplets turned upside down by their dad’s return to work

The start of the week was a big upheaval for the Bambara since Nasser returned to work. Since then, the quadruplets have had a hard time getting used to his absence at home, especially Hajar who cried when he saw his father leave. A new upheaval for the little girl, who has just adapted to her new environment. After living in an apartment in Montpellier for a long time, the tribe moved into a new house with a garden at the beginning of January, still in the south of France.

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Rofrane Bambara makes a revelation about his recent move

During a question-and-answer session posted on his account this Thursday, June 13, Rofrane Bambara responds to a follower who mentions their recent move. “Is it that quick to find a house when you want to move?”he asks. “Not at all”, assures the mother. “For us, it was a big stroke of luck really. To tell you, we were looking without looking and when we found it, we weren’t even psychologically ready.. We told ourselves that it wasn’t for now and two days later we were sleeping in the new house.”

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

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