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“All that time you waste on this bullshit, you could spend with your kids”; Deicide’s Glen Benton Slams Today’s Toxic Political Climate

In a recent interview with Sense Music Media, Glen Benton, frontman of the famous death metal band Deicide, expressed his opinions on the impact of the Internet and social media on modern society. He did not hesitate to describe the digital age as a catalyst for widespread stupidity and societal decline.

“The Internet has made the world really stupid”, said Mr. Benton. He explained how social media has contributed to incivility and partisan division, noting the circus atmosphere created by political and religious factions over the past 15 years. “We can argue anywhere. People are really on edge all over the world”he said, pointing out that global problems such as inflation and economic instability were behind the widespread anger.

Benton is particularly critical of the political climate in the United States in the run-up to the 2024 elections. He has expressed a cynical view of the electoral process, suggesting that unrest and violence during election years are orchestrated to undermine the government in place. “People are looking for any reason to destroy property and riot”, he commented. Despite his disinterest in politics, Mr. Benton had some harsh words about the current state of leadership in the country. “Our country looks ridiculous”he lamented.

The Deicide frontman also addressed the role of partisan media in exacerbating societal divisions. He criticized the “information bubbles” that shape public opinion, saying: “It’s just bullshit. All that time you waste on this bullshit, you could spend with your kids”. Mr. Benton emphasized the futility of engaging with biased media and advocated personal disengagement from toxic political discourse. “I’d rather listen to old music or get high”did he declare.

Benton’s remarks come as Deicide continues to make waves in the Metal scene. The band released their latest album, Banished By Sin, on April 26 on the Reigning Phoenix Music label.

Glen Benton interview with Sense Music Media:


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