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Alice (Married at First Sight) discusses this autoimmune disease that ruined her adolescence

Thursday June 13, on Instagram, Alice answered many questions from Internet users concerning her weight and her years of struggle to accept her figure.

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The end of the eighth season of Married at first sight approach and viewers of the program have only one eagerness: to find out which participants remained married at the end of the experience. But fans will have to be patient and wait for the final episode of the season to be broadcast to find out if Ophélie and Loïc, Alice and Florian are still together. If a flame sparked between Romain and Camille or if Ludivine and Raphaël gave themselves a second chance after having divorced. In the meantime, it is on Instagram that the candidates give their news and on June 13, it was Alice who attracted attention. After receiving many questions from her fans, the young woman decided to look back in detail on her life journey and in particular, on her impressive weight loss and the fight she has been waging for years to accept her figure.

Alice (Married at first sight) discusses the impact of his weight problems on his adolescence

By getting to know Alice, viewers of Married at first sight discovered that the young woman has long been self-conscious about her weight. Thursday June 13, on Instagram, Florian’s wife took the time to tell her story. It was at the age of eight months that doctors realized that Alice’s metabolism stored every fat cell. The young woman’s parents then did their best to adapt her diet, without frustrating her. Despite these efforts, the candidate for the M6 ​​program went through difficult periods, particularly during adolescence, the period of first flirtations and first loves. “Adolescence is still the most beautiful years of life. […] We decide to go out, to enjoy with our friends, we try to meet someone. […] But I was just the good party friend who makes you laugh… It’s very moral to find yourself in this place“, she recalled. She also made a terrible announcement on social networks. She revealed a health problem when she was younger. She was often at risk of having “hemorrhages”. “I was diagnosed with ITP, an autoimmune disease. I no longer had platelets in my blood, I had bruises all over my body. I didn’t know that I was suffering from an illness that was going to last ten years. It was a real ordeal (…) It was a very delicate part of my life. I tried to do many diets which worked, but I went back twice or triple the amount afterwards.

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Alice (Married at first sight), very self-conscious about her physique, decided to undergo an operation which “literally changed his life

As an adult, Alice’s complex was omnipresent. Feeling bad about herself and enduring the gaze of others, the young woman decided to take the plunge and endure “an abdominoplasty“.”At that age, I was very self-conscious about my stomach because I had an abdominal apron. I weighed almost 110 kilos. […] At 20, I decided to have a tummy tuck without [devoir] losing weight. I was lucky to find a surgeon who agreed to operate on me“, she confided. Before adding: “This operation literally changed my life! It is a very painful operation. […] But if I had to do it again today, I would without hesitation. I saw myself reborn and accepted myself as a woman.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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