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Diane Tell inducted into the Authors’ Pantheon: “If I were a man, I would have been there since 2017”

Diane Tell will be inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame, a consecration that she considers late, and will perform tomorrow at a landmark ceremony in Toronto.

At the microphone of Mario Dumont at QUB Radio (99.5 FM in Montreal), Diane Tell spoke with emotion about her induction into the Songwriters Hall of Fame, a distinction she had been waiting for for a long time. “If I were a man, I would have already been inducted in 2017,” she said, implicitly highlighting the persistent inequalities in the music industry.

The Quebec artist, who left her mark on the French-speaking music scene with around fifteen albums and several awards, says she is honored to join legends such as Leonard Cohen and Joni Mitchell, whom she describes as a “great goddess” of music. Tomorrow, during the ceremony in Toronto, she will share the stage with singer Dominique Fils-Aimé for a unique performance. “These are guest artists who will perform our songs. I’m going to accompany him on the guitar,” she revealed exclusively, promising surprises for her fans.

If she is delighted with this moment, Diane Tell did not hide her hesitations about the language of her speech during the ceremony, which was largely English-speaking. “What would you do in my place. […] Will Quebecers excuse me if I speak in English?” she asks, a bit joking, aware of the international audience who will follow the event, particularly via the Twitch platform.

Despite these questions, the artist promises a memorable moment. “I’m going to give a little speech… and we’re going to talk,” she concluded enthusiastically, before confirming that she is currently working on a new album and that she will be back on stage in Quebec.

*This text, generated with the help of artificial intelligence, was reviewed and validated by our team based on an interview carried out at QUB.


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