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Clara Luciani’s tears while talking about Françoise Hardy (video)

The singer was Léa Salamé’s guest. It was with tears in her eyes that she confided the impact of Françoise Hardy on her career.

Clara Luciani showed her great emotion when talking about Françoise Hardy when she was invited to the microphone of Léa Salamé on Inter. The young singer confides that Françoise Hardy was of great importance in her career and quickly showed her her support.

I was very lucky because at one point she was my fairy godmother. “, she assures. Clara Luciani confides that Françoise Hardy really liked her work and, after listening to her first album, she contacted a few journalists. Thus, Françoise Hardy would have sent Clara Luciani’s album to several journalists and in particular to Teleramaindicating: ” This has to work, it’s great! »

The young woman explains that she was very touched. Even if it doesn’t work, what do I care! I have Françoise Hardy who listened to me and liked my songs ” she recalls.

The two women maintained a relationship, exchanging emails. They were recently talking about Clara Luciani’s motherhood. Françoise Hardy then replied: ” It’s great, Thomas has been the greatest joy of my entire life. PS: On the other hand, be prepared, you’re going to be worried all your life, and it’s not going to get any better when they grow up. »

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