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“Oh la…”, the artist cash on his desire to have a second child

This Sunday, September 22, 2024, Nolwenn Leroy answers Bernard Montiel’s questions in the show 1 heures avec… broadcast on RTL. The opportunity for the singer turned actress to discuss without taboo her desire for motherhood. Will the artist soon be the mother of a second child? If nothing is planned for the moment, she does not rule out this possibility, she who had earlier declared wanting to raise Marin alongside a brother or sister.

Whether it’s to instill values ​​of sharing from a young age or simply to offer their child a confidant, many parents want to raise several children. While viewers recently discovered Nolwenn Leroy’s acting talents in Brocéliande, the singer began her role as a mother in 2017, with the arrival of Marin, now 7 years old. Will Nolwenn Leroy’s son have the chance to grow up with a little brother or sister?

This is one of the debates addressed by the singer and actress on Bernard Montiel’s microphone, in the show 1 heure avec… broadcast on RTL. When asked if she will soon be the mother of a second child, she does not hesitate to cut short any form of rumor. “Oh, we’re not there yet!”she declared to Bernard Montiel, as reported by our colleagues at Gala.

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Nolwenn Leroy: “It’s already a blessing to have a little boy”

The actress explains in particular that she does not appreciate “program everything, plan everything” in her life. “Maybe I don’t provoke things enough, I don’t know, but I trust the timing,” she continues on RTL. An attitude adopted on both a personal and professional level.

“You know, I’ve never programmed anything in my life and I don’t like programming things… And it’s the same for my job, really.”explains Nolwenn Leroy, who is content to ensure that “working to make things happen one day.” As for her family life, she seems to let things come as they are. “It’s already a blessing to have a little boy. After that, we’ll see what surprises life has in store for me.”comments the artist.

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Nolwenn Leroy: “It’s often wonderful to have a brother”

Finally, it is perhaps to offer Marin the chance to have a sister or a brother that Nolwenn Leroy could go back into diapers. A few weeks earlier, the singer turned actress did not hide her desire to get back into the adventure of motherhood. The artist’s main motivation, however, seemed to be the well-being of little Marin, to whom she expressed the wish to give an adventure companion.

“It is often wonderful to have a brother or sister. I would like this to be the case for Marin if time permits,” she said. Again, nothing seemed to decide and depend on several factors. “Time in relation to my life as an artist, but also in relation to my life as a woman and my age”she confided.

A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on …


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