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Desperate singer opens kitty to avoid eviction

Annie Philippe is “in so much pain”. The singer from the 60s is in a critical financial situation. So much so that she had to open a Leetchi kitty so that the public could help her not to be evicted from her apartment…

Annie Philippe is in turmoil. And her delicate financial situation has forced her to turn to methods she never thought she would have to resort to. The singer from the 60s, now 77 years old, had to create a Leetchi kitty to get by and not get evicted from her apartment…

Annie Philippe, “no longer able to pay the rent”: she opens a kitty

Her situation is critical. Claude François’ former accomplice is unable to make ends meet and has therefore been forced to appeal to the public’s generosity. She has opened a Leetchi kitty in order to be saved from expulsion.My dear internet friends, I am very sad to have to ask for your help, but I need you”she first said in a video. The former artist revealed that she was “no longer able to pay the rent“from her apartment in Boulogne-Billancourt, very close to , where she has lived since 1985, and which has a 55 m terrace2.

In order to stay in my home, I held on for years by saving everything I could and selling my last valuables. Today, I have nothing left. When the bailiffs came to my house to seize it, they found nothing to take.” she detailed.

Today, time is running out: Annie Philippe has been summoned to a trial for expulsion on December 10. But she hopes to be able to sort out the situation before this deadline.Do what you can, and for that, I thank you.” she concluded.

Annie Philippe “swindled”: why the singer has no more money

The interpreter of Baby Love had already been ordered to pay 50,000 euros in charges and late rent in June 2023, indicates The Parisian. According to his confidences to Closerit was because of Covid that his misfortunes began: “I am in such a dire financial situation that I have applied for over-indebtedness, which has been granted (…) I used to work in a production company, Covid arrived and everything stopped.“.

But how did Annie Philippe’s situation deteriorate to this point? Despite the successes she had in the 60s, notably with the song she sang as a duet with Claude François, Platform ticketthe singer received little money.I learned much later that I had sold a lot of records. I was made to believe that I didn’t sell any. I was swindled. I trusted. I was too childish“, she explained, full of regrets…


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