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Metal returns to ignite the heart of a town in Mauges

Mac N’Roll Metallicus, an association of big sound enthusiasts, presents its Mauges Pit Fest 3 festival, which will feature nine groups on stage in a venue in Saint-Macaire-en-Mauges, a delegated commune of Sèvremoine (Maine-et-), on Saturday October 5, 2024.

As usual, it offers an eclectic program, with “a fairly present hardcore color. It is perhaps the identity of the festival that is emerging”, admits President Fabrice Bréhéret.

Read also: Yet another wandering poster to announce the Mauges metal festival

A reinforced welcome

“In Mauges, we know how to welcome, he adds, and it’s for everyone. Each group has its own dressing room with carpet. We take over the 250 m2 premises2 pétanque and we set up arbors with second-hand and salvaged furniture, with a bar and catering for groups in a space designed for musicians to get along.”

For festival-goers, the organizers are also taking great care of them with an enlarged outdoor space, taking over the street which is closed to traffic. Varied catering with three food trucks, exhibitors (clothing, tattoo artist, luthier with equipment testing and troubleshooting for groups), and local biscuit factory.

There are also more than 100 volunteers mobilized for the assembly and disassembly, but especially to be as close as possible to the artists and the public. Without forgetting accessibility with a dedicated platform in the room for people with reduced mobility and children, so that they can fully enjoy the show.

Sustainable development is also on people’s minds, with the choice of neutral and returnable cups. With a requirement for restaurateurs to offer recyclable or compostable trays, and a vegetarian and vegan offer.

Extensive partnerships

Sèvremoine and Mauges Communauté support the event with subsidies, as part of the support for contemporary music and a call for projects. A raffle, with ten places to win, is launched with the Macairois businesses that put their window in the colors of the festival. And a bakery even puts its bread and sweets in its image.

It is also noted that “32 private patrons are following us with a commitment to larger sums”the president emphasizes.

Saturday October 5, from 2:30 p.m., Thomas-Dupouët room, rue du Dr-Schweitzer, in Saint-Macaire-en-Mauges. Prices: presale: €25, or €12 for 16-year-olds; on site €30 (reduced €15); free for children under 12 accompanied. Tickets on Helloasso and Facebook Mauges Pit Fest


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