The only interview with Soraya, Kendji Girac’s partner: “She’s not angry but…”, a journalist reveals the behind the scenes

The only interview with Soraya, Kendji Girac’s partner: “She’s not angry but…”, a journalist reveals the behind the scenes
The only interview with Soraya, Kendji Girac’s partner: “She’s not angry but…”, a journalist reveals the behind the scenes

The cover was dated September 2, 2016. The title of the magazine Public that week : “Kendji Girac, with Sorayathis is serious“To illustrate this, here are two photos of this brand new couple. One showing them both smiling and taking a dip in the sea, the other showing the singer kissing the new chosen one of his heart.”Palace, bouquet of flowers, driver, after a vacation in Corsica with friends, Kendji offered his sweetheart a dream vacation in Sardinia.“This is the first time that this story has been made public – while until then other relationships had been attributed to him – the first time that the existence of this young woman has been mentioned.”originally from Switzerland” et “having studied at a renowned business school“.

For years, we will not know more. Kendji, so exuberant on stage but so modest in his feelings keeps this secret garden to himself. Except for a few photos posted by fans on social media, there is no trace of this pretty brunette and no mention of her supposed partner. On the red carpet, during the shows, he poses with women like Eva Longoria or Christine and the Queens. Soraya is never in the picture…

Rumors keep coming. They would have gotten married. They would have separated. Kendji is content with a clarification, in November 2021 in TV Magazine : “When I hear all these lies, I tell myself that people really do make up anything. It’s still incredible!” and to specify : “I want to keep my family life private. My life as an artist remains work, even if I love it. They are two different things and, to better enjoy each one, I prefer to compartmentalize them.

“She doesn’t want to put herself forward, that’s her choice,” Kendji confides about Soraya.

On January 28, 2021, the singer nevertheless broke the silence to announce the news on his Instagram account: he is a dad!When love comes to life… Welcome to my little princess EVA ALBA whom I love more than anything“, he wrote on the social network. The message is accompanied by a black and white photo of his daughter’s feet in his hand. The use of the possessive “ma” rather than “notre“to qualify his”princess“, demonstrates to what extent, once again, he intends to keep Soraya out of the public sphere. He explains why in October 2022 in the show How Are Riou on Radio Monaco: “She doesn’t want to put herself forward. That’s her choice. I tend to agree with her. Let’s live well, let’s live hidden. It’s her way of living something complicated: being the wife of a singer who is always gone. It’s her way of appreciating our couple, being in the background and being there for me, as she does very well, by the way.

Alas, the April drama, which leaves Kendji between life and death, will turn everything upside down! Soraya is there from the front row and will be the first to have to deal with the violence of the media whirlwind that is unleashed, even abroad where the fate of the winner of The Voice saison 3 (in 2014) who shot himself arouses the greatest curiosity. Kendji being unable to answerall eyes are on his partner. What happened? What is she going to do? The media machine is going into overdrive. The magazine Paris Match believes that Soraya, “in deep anger” would have left for Switzerland with their daughter Eva Alba on the day of the suicide blackmail during which the singer was shot and injured. The entire press picked up the story.

In the meantime, the judicial machine has been in full swing, embodied by the public prosecutor of Mont-de-Marsan, who is clearly keen to inform the public about the smallest details of the facts he has had to look into. He delivers a wealth of information that was previously unknown, much of which was given to him by the young woman during her hearing.

For Soraya, who has always wanted to preserve her privacy and anonymity, this is too much.. A few days after the article of Paris Matchwishing to put an end to the “untruths“, she decides to grant an interview to Marie Poussel, a colleague of the Parisian who knows Kendji very well.

After giving news of his companion, “miraculously“, she makes things clear”I never wanted to express myself before, because I am not the artist, nor am I the one in the spotlight. It is him. Today, I cannot let false things be said and written about Kendji or our couple. Elements of my private life have been disclosed without my consentor even transformed. They do not correspond to the truth. I cannot let this happen.“And the young woman clarified in particular that she never left for Switzerland with her daughter, that she never suffered psychological violence, that Kendji never blackmailed her with suicide, that she was not, as we have read, in a deep anger…

“We need to comfort Soraya, she really needs to speak her mind…”

A touching interview of truth, the background and genesis of which we now know better, recounted in Code Sourcea podcast from Parisian by the journalist who collected Soraya Miranda’s words. Words that also allow us to better understand her personality…

Marie Poussel first explains that the interview is conducted over the telephone.She is not very experienced in doing interviews. We need to comfort her a little, explain to her how it works, that she must speak freely and that she must really say what she really thinks.“, explains our colleague to discuss how she managed to establish a bond of trust with your interviewee.

But quickly, Marie Poussel confides that she is surprised by Soraya’s attitude: “I was surprised by her determination, her voice is calm, she has things to say.“Things that we were able to read, therefore, but what we did not necessarily perceive when reading this article is the state of mind that animated the young woman at the moment when she spoke out like this, for the first time in the press about this very serious affair.”She is not angry, the reporter tells us Parisianbut she wants to re-establish certain truths that she reads a little everywhere. In particular that on Monday morning, she would have left. It was taken up in the entire press. She does not accept it. She says that she was never in the anger in which she was described, that she was very anxious, that the world collapsed when she saw Kendji injured in the caravan…

The rest was in the columns of our colleagues. That day, Soraya ended her speech with these strong words: “I have never spoken out before, and I hope that after this clarification, the media will respect our choice of discretion. I sincerely wish to return to anonymity and for us to be together as a family.“As if to grant his wish, Kendji, as soon as he could, took back control of his social networks and on his communication, especially to apologize. Like a return to normal, even if nothing will ever be the same again…



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