Maes turns on Booba and La Fouine

Two for the price of one.

Maes on fire

Some might have believed that Maes' career would slowly decline after he cut ties with Booba, while the latter had more or less “launched” him to the general public, with feats which quickly made big scores. But the rapper from 93 is doing more than well for the moment, and continues to make good sales, while making people talk about him thanks to very solid pressing on social networks. Insults towards Booba and all his supporters, clash with Lacrim, the 92i ridiculedthe rapper from stops at nothing and is not afraid. This weekend, he redoubled his efforts, with quite violent attacks against Kopp, but also La Fouine.

We are passing a milestone

However, one would have believed that Maes and La Fouine got along well, they who share Moroccan origins, but also a certain form of rivalry / animosity with Boobaeven if regarding Laouni, things have calmed down (for the moment) since this year and his concert during Les Flammes. But obviously, Maes doesn't really like her eldestand he makes it known, by reposting a video in which we see the rapper from 78 completely out of step during a recent concert (the scales were obviously poorly made and the rapper had little to do with it). In the caption, we can read: “When you make people believe they are hot, they actually end up believing it.”.

We don't know what the message refers to exactly, although we know that it speaks to the level of La Fouine. This could have something to do with the “compliments” made by Booba to his ex-enemy earlier in the year. Booba is also Maes' target this weekend, since the rapper from 93 posted on his Twitter account the photo of a fairly old woman, who is obviously… Booba's mother, who was apparently doing her shopping in the supermarket.

A photo which proves that Maes has Kopp's mother following him quite closely. We not sure if this photo is sent as a threat or warning, or just to trollbut we do not particularly endorse this type of method. However, it must also be said that on the other side, Booba is the first to have displayed the family of his enemies during the clashes (Sadek in particular, among others).




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