The son of these two Quebec stars is working on a first album

We recently spoke with Édouard Tremblay-Grenier, while he participated in the press conference for the National Day show on the Plains of Abraham.

The young man will share the stage, among others, with his mother, Mara Tremblay, host of the large-scale event. See all the guests for the evening of June 23 here.

It must be said that Édouard’s dad is also part of the artistic community. This is comedian Daniel Grenier, who has been working solo for several years, but who was previously part of the group Les Chick’n Swell.

The young artist told us that he was recording a first album. “ I’m looking for a record label », he told us.

I am well surrounded. I work with Jean-Sébastien Chouinard, Pierre Fortin and François Lafontaine. We’re a great gang to work on my songs. »

He adds : ” I don’t know when it’s going to come out. We’re like in the middle of the process. We’re taking a little break so that I can concentrate more on Midsummer’s Day, and then we’ll start again “.

Édouard would dream of breaking into the world of music. “ I do acting too. I would like to combine the two. But I definitely have a penchant for music. It’s more personal. It comes more from the heart. »

As an actor, we have seen him in Amber Alert, Les beaux malaises 2.0, Comme des têtes pas Poule and A Criminal Affair. “ I have a few roles coming up. I’m going to appear on screens again at some point next year. » We were unable to find out more about these filmings currently underway. We will know more in the coming weeks.



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