Jean-Jacques Goldman sends a letter to a fan who had dedicated a novel to him

Jean-Jacques Goldman sends a letter to a fan who had dedicated a novel to him
Jean-Jacques Goldman sends a letter to a fan who had dedicated a novel to him

A few weeks after sending him his first book, Thibault Christophe was surprised to receive a handwritten letter from the French people’s favorite personality.

It’s a beautiful story that Thibault Christophe tells La Dépêche. As reported by BFMTV, this communications professor from wrote, under the pseudonym LT, his first novel entitled “ Journal d’un fan “. In this book, we follow a Jean-Jacques Goldman fan who is ready to do anything to meet his idol.

This novel is partly inspired by real events since Thibault Christophe is himself an admirer of Jean-Jacques Goldman. But the author confides that he also imagined a story around this meeting. “ I went to dig into my personal memories », he explains to La Dépêche. Before adding “ As it was literature, I allowed myself to go further and fantasize something that never happened: namely a meeting, a collaboration and much more ».

Once the book was written, Thibault Christophe wanted to send it to the man who is one of its protagonists: Jean-Jacques Goldman. After first trying to send it to him via Francis Cabrel, whom he had met during the Rencontres d’Astaffort organized by the singer, the Toulouse resident decided to turn to the Jean-Jacques Goldman fan club.

Also read
Jean-Jacques Goldman writes a song for a school show

And bingo! A few weeks after sending him his novel accompanied by a letter, Thibault Christophe was surprised to discover a handwritten missive from the singer in his mailbox. The writer reveals to La Dépêche how he became aware of the contents of the letter. He explains that he opened it while he was in an elevator with his sons. “ I instantly put it back in the envelope (and) I had to slowly open it again to appreciate this lovely moment “, he confides.

The Toulouse resident also reveals some words addressed to him by the artist. The latter notably wrote to him that his letter “made him very touched » and hopes that he in turn will receive one “ so kind (and) moving ».

A nice gesture from the man who, despite his great discretion for years, was crowned last year “ favorite personality of the French » for the seventh consecutive time.

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