INTERVIEW. Thomas Dutronc, Corsica inspired his latest album

INTERVIEW. Thomas Dutronc, Corsica inspired his latest album
INTERVIEW. Thomas Dutronc, Corsica inspired his latest album

Corsica is very present in your new opus, from the album cover to the music video for the flagship track “Il n’est sais trop tard” filmed in Balagne. Tell us behind the scenes of the filming.

It’s quite magical what happened because we had planned a filming on a beach in Balagne and when we arrived there there were people occupying the space where we wanted to film. As we approached, we realized that it was a hen party with tables set and a great atmosphere. We asked them if they would be interested in singing with us on the video and they agreed. They were even super happy and I think if we would have wanted to organize the filming that way, we wouldn’t have managed to do it as well. The next day, we were at the Suzzoni family’s Clos Culombu and at aperitif time the head sommelier and his partner who is a dancer joined us. The latter started dancing at the sunset and we took lots of photos which were used for the album cover. Again, it was a bit improvised but still magical moments between friends.

This album seems to be particularly close to your heart. Does it have a particular flavor?

I tried to be demanding of myself on this record. I think on the first one I was cash, I was myself. But subsequently, I admit that I have sometimes made concessions by playing this or that song to try to please certain radio stations. This time, I tried to release an album that really suited me by following my desires. And above all, I took the time. Sometimes you don’t have time to finalize a piece as you wish and I think that was the case on some of my previous albums. But, in this case, I really took the time. And I’m happy with it. I had fun too, yes. Now I just want my songs to go in the direction of holidays and happiness.

“It’s never easy to find inspiration”

Nine years have passed since your previous collection of original songs. Is that how long it took to release an album that really suits you?

I have participated in a lot of very interesting projects in recent years but which have actually delayed the release of this opus a little. I had the chance to sing with lots of international stars like Iggy Pop, Diana Krall, Jeff Goldblum or Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top on Frenchy which was the best-selling jazz record in in 2020 and the second worldwide, just behind that of Norah Jones. Immediately, I devoted myself to the project Dutronc & Dutronc with my father which led to around forty sold-out dates.



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