This film, one of the most touching of 2023, is broadcast this evening on TV

This film, one of the most touching of 2023, is broadcast this evening on TV
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The college years… A compilation of the best and worst memories of adolescence. First loves, first disappointments too. The birth of friendships that sometimes last a lifetime, the first real quarrels too. Tuesday April 23, 2024, Canal+ broadcasts A serious job at 9:10 p.m. Thomas Lilti’s fifth film chooses to tell the story of these formative years through the eyes of teachers. Pierre, Meriem, Fouad, Sophie, Sandrine, Alix and Sofiane form a very close-knit group of teachers. At the start of the school year, they meet Benjamin, hired as a replacement mathematics teacher in their college. The inexperienced young man finds himself confronted for the first time with this school world and its limits. A feature film as touching as it is disturbing.

To see for Vincent Lacoste in the role of a math teacher

Vincent Lacoste portrays with his usual phlegm this new professor who was initially timid, whom his father wanted to see in a doctor’s coat. As he gets used to his role, he gets used to his students and realizes that their future is played out on the benches of his classroom. It’s difficult not to become attached to this fragile character, plagued by doubt and the questions we ask ourselves when we start a new life. Because beyond the vagaries of adolescence, the film deals with this often neglected side of education. Faced with young people with diverse temperaments and personalities, Thomas Lilti, to whom we owe in particular Hippocrates (2014) and First year (2018), writes equally different teachers. The actor revealed in The Beautiful Kids in 2009 shared the screen with François Cluzet, Adèle Exarchopoulos and William Lebghil, with whom he is very friendly. All offer a human and fairly faithful panorama of what one might encounter in the corridors of a secondary school. They make us laugh, move us and confront us with the harshness of this very serious profession.

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Louise Bourgouin in one of her most beautiful roles

But if they all brilliantly portray their roles as teachers driven by their common love for the transmission of knowledge, Louise Bourgoin is particularly superb. The actress plays Sandrine Deleyziat, a SVT teacher who has difficulty creating a bond and asserting her authority over her students. A tortured woman, a college educator, but a cornered mother in life. A particularly well written and interpreted character with such a wide range of emotions that the scenes in which she is at the center give goosebumps. Fortunately, she can count on the support of her colleagues, some of whom are trying their best to live broken lives. A dive into the depths of this world about which we ultimately know little, except that we ourselves went to school and had teachers in front of us, without ever questioning ourselves. nor guessing behind the scenes. Because beyond the copies, the notes and the words addressed to parents, there is the human. There are women, men, mothers, fathers, suffering, brokenness, joys and lives just as full in their classrooms as they are outside of them.

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Canal+ is launching the L’École de la vie operation, from April 19 to 21, 2024 on Canal+ Cinéma(s). On the program, numerous films around this theme, including: The royal road, Toni with the family, The Principal, Small victories, Frosty heads and many others.



NEXT VIDEO. Meeting with Eric Nam, who became a K-pop star in South Korea