Like every year, the Lesthalass Thermalies show presents in Lyon then in Paris, all the new developments in the water-based well-being and health sector to meet current expectations. Overview.
Professional pressure, mental load, social demands but also climate crisis, unstable economic and political contexts… At the start of 2025, the mood of the French is not exactly in good shape. However, 78% of them now believe that mental well-being is as important as physical health, and 55% regularly think about their psychological balance, a phenomenon that is clearly increasing among women and Generation Z.
. Despite this awareness and the desire to make mental health a major national cause, solutions remain limited and difficult to access.
In this context, thalassotherapy positions itself as a valuable ally. Treatments intended to reduce anxiety and depressive disorders, manage stress, encourage letting go or even recover from burnout are increasing again this year (Pornic, Île de Ré, Bénodet, Royan, Arcachon, etc.). And above all, diversify their means of action: to hydrotherapy and massage treatments, the centers add relaxation sessions, sophrology, mindfulness meditation… and it works. “Regarding the benefits of hydrotherapy treatments, the data concerning hydrotherapy show a certain interest, particularly in the management of anxiety disorders, burnout and withdrawal from anxiolytics, notes Professor Florian Ferreri, psychiatrist at Saint-Antoine hospital (AP-HP). As for relaxation techniques, some are scientifically proven. Furthermore, cures are an opportunity to break away from your daily life, take care of yourself in a favorable environment and rebalance your lifestyle (sleep, physical activity, diet, etc.). The benefits felt after this type of stay probably result from the synergy between all these components. »
The clientele is getting younger
Another observation: for mental health as for physical health, allopathy and alternative medicines no longer oppose each other, but complement each other and act in synergy. This is evidenced by the abundant offer of new stays intended to pass the menopause milestone (Hendaye, Concarneau, Biarritz, etc.), to repair after cancer (Granville, Belle-Île, Dinard, etc.), or even to recover after an operation. (Saint-Malo, Quiberon…).
Almost all establishments continue to move upmarket with considerable renovations or improvements, diversification of catering, an expanded range of services, etc. Consequence: the clientele is getting younger
-In the same movement, paramedics are increasingly involved in care, particularly in cures intended to combat the harmful effects of aging, biohacking (La Baule, Dinard, Pornic, etc.) with assessments and nutritional, physiological, etc. ultra-advanced analyzes using cutting-edge machines and technologies. Objective: to offer the most personalized programs possible and respond precisely to everyone’s needs.
Finally, almost all establishments are continuing their move upmarket with considerable renovations or improvements, diversification of catering, an expanded range of services, etc. As a result: the clientele is getting younger. And as new generations have greater demands, the dynamic is moving in the direction of an “upgradation”… for our greater well-being. Deep Trend:
need to sleepCollateral victim of stress, screens, lack of time, etc., sleep is difficult, with repercussions in all directions (fatigue, cardiovascular diseases, excess weight, etc.). However, it is often enough to reinstate good habits to sleep better and longer. Bubbles away from everyday life, thalassotherapies are ideal for reconnecting with quality nights. A pioneer in the field, Emeria Dinard created the first dedicated stay 35 years ago, since imitated by others .This year, several institutes are following suit. Besides Concarneau , in Bénodet( ),
the “Energy Balance & Sleep” treatment rebalances energies by combining traditional treatments (hydrotherapy, LPG, etc.), gentle activities (yoga, qi gong, etc.) and innovative devices based on infrared, light therapy and music therapy. In Granville (, the “Pleasure of Sleeping” treatment focuses on relaxing body treatments combined with sophrology, aquasophrology and relaxation based on the proven methods of Schultz and Jacobson. In Cabourg (, the “Serene Sleep” treatment combines marine treatments enriched with magnesium and alternative medicine sessions (Ericksonian hypnosis, reflexology, acupressure, etc.). In Ouistreham( ),
the “Sleep Better” stopover is distinguished by an introduction to micronaps and an unforgettable session of aquatic letting go. At Thalazur, sleep is in the spotlight with a “better sleep” notebook filled with practical advice, access to podcasts, relaxation or cardiac coherence sessions, a yoga mat, a coffee bar. pillows or even a night mask. According to an Ipsos/Le monde en figures survey: “The mental health of the French”, 1
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