Bollywood/Mauritius – “Once Upon A Time In Mauritius”: Suchhi Kumar tells the story of indentured labourers
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Bollywood/Mauritius – “Once Upon A Time In Mauritius”: Suchhi Kumar tells the story of indentured labourers

Bollywood actor Suchhi Kumar is set to direct a film exploring the story of the arrival of indentured labourers in Mauritius. On a scouting trip to the island since August 28, he took the opportunity to launch his latest film, titled “Hocus Focus”.

It was with great fanfare that the film “Hocus Focus”, written and directed by Paierry Dodeja, was launched on Monday, September 9 at MCiné de Trianon, in the presence of the lead actor Suchhi Kumar. Released in India on August 9, 2024, the film is produced by Silver Dollar Production Ltd, a company headquartered in Mauritius and operating in India from Mumbai. The feature film is directed by producer and actor Suchhi Kumar. The latter confides: “Hocus Focus is a film that has won 42 international awards. Moreover, since I consider Mauritius as my second home, I am delighted to launch it here.”

Suchhi Kumar at the launch of Hocus Focus,
Monday, September 9.

The film will be screened in MCiné theatres from September 23. “Hocus Focus” tells the story of Ajit Pandit, a notorious gangster from Agra, whose life takes a dark and unexpected turn after he falls under the spell of a manipulative woman. The latter drags him into planning a bank robbery. As the plot unfolds, hidden camera footage reveals a shocking conspiracy behind the heist. The videos shed light on a brutal crime and an unseen mastermind pulling the strings from the shadows.

However, actor Suchhi Kumar’s presence in Mauritius is not just linked to the promotion of “Hocus Focus”. He is also preparing for a completely different project: the film “Once Upon A Time In Mauritius”, which the actor describes as a “gift to Mauritians”. The storyline will focus on the arrival of indentured labourers in Mauritius. “We live in the digital age and tend to forget the past. This film will highlight all the suffering endured by indentured labourers when they arrived in Mauritius,” says the actor. According to the latter, the feature film will trace the love story within a family of workers leaving West Bengal for Mauritius. Upon their arrival on the island, they are separated. “We will tell the story of their journey from India to Mauritius, the six months spent on board a boat, their separation and the ordeals they endured,” he emphasizes.

Suchhi Kumar is a renowned Indian actor, producer and model.

“Once Upon A Time In Mauritius” will feature a talented cast of artists from Mauritius and India, including Suchhi Kumar himself. The filming, which will begin in February 2025, will be 25% in India and 75% in Mauritius. The actor plans to collaborate with local filmmakers for the sequences filmed in Mauritius and will call on local cinematography specialists. Last week, he met several professionals from the Mauritian film industry to discuss this project.

“This is a very beautiful project. The film will highlight all the suffering endured by our ancestors in a work full of emotion. In addition, Mauritians will have the opportunity to participate in this project,” emphasizes Vikram Jootun, Director of the Mauritius Film Development Corporation (MFDC).
Furthermore, on November 2, 2024, Suchhi Kumar will launch the book “Once Upon A Time In Mauritius” which will serve as the basis for the eponymous film. After leaving Mauritius on September 11, he will return soon for the launch of this book and to conduct additional research for the production of the film.

As a reminder, Suchhi Kumar is a renowned Indian actor, producer and model. His film career began in 2008 with ‘Mission: The Last War’, where he co-starred with Amrish Puri. He has also starred in films such as ‘Family’, ‘I’m in Love’ and ‘Sirf 5 Din’, among others.


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