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Senlis Book Fair 2024

Senlis Book Fair 2024

The Senlis book fair will open its doors from Wednesday October 2 to Sunday October 6, 2024.
After the success of the first edition, the book fair returns from October 2 to 6, thanks to the action of the media library, the Saint Pierre bookstore, the Le Verbe et l’Objet bookstore, the Jeanne d’Arc cinema and many other partners.
Featured in this free program: meetings with authors, discovery of films at the cinema in the presence of screenwriters and authors, workshops, visits, meetings and other events to celebrate books and literature.

On the program for these 5 days:

  • Wednesday October 2:
    2:30 p.m. at the Jeanne d’Arc cinema, the ARIOL SHOW show: for over fifteen years, the adventures of Ariol, the little blue donkey, have delighted young and old alike. Bastien Lallemant, guitarist, joins Emmanuel Guibert and Marc Boutavant for a joyful reading: sketches, drawings, music… an Ariol festiv!
  • Thursday October 3:
    Numerous workshops for children’s authors and illustrators for children from kindergarten to high school and for ULIS students in the city’s establishments.
    8 p.m. at the Jeanne d’Arc cinema: Lebanese evening with a graphic reading by Olivier Ka Beirut, Return to the Forgotten Land. Following in the footsteps of his early childhood, the author-illustrator makes us discover Lebanon; from surprises to revelations, he tells us, in words, images and music, about his reunion with this country that has not forgotten him. A moving and magical show. Admission €5. The profits from the evening (cinema tickets) will be donated to Unicef. Tasting of Lebanese specialties and meeting with Olivier Ka after the screening!
  • Friday October 4:
    Workshops with children’s authors and illustrators continue in the city’s establishments.
    6 p.m. at the Jeanne d’Arc cinema screening of “What if we looked up?” A documentary by Gilles Vernet who conducted a unique experiment with his CM2 class: for a year, he spoke with his students, their parents and specialists about the place of screens in our society, before taking them for ten days of disconnection in the great outdoors. This 52-minute documentary deals with the dangers of children’s overexposure to screens. It does not evade the responsibility of each party. It is also a film where we touch on happiness, the desire to live together and where we breathe. A public health issue that is addressed in an original, poignant and true way. Admission €5. Screening followed by a meeting with Gilles Vernet led by a CM1-CM2 class and middle school students.
  • During the weekend: The Media Library, the Saint-Pierre bookstore, the Le Verbe et l’Objet bookstore open the doors of the Espace Saint-Pierre for two days of meetings with authors, signings and activities.
  • Saturday October 5:
    In the morning:
    At 9 a.m., 10:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.: “Baby Touch – I stimulate my senses” workshops for children aged 1 to 2, led by Les doigts qui rêvent: children progress, in turn, between 4 to 5 activity modules. They discover tactile fabric books, amazing materials and textures. Information and registration at the media library.
    11am: “Le Senlis des écrivains” tour organized by the Tourist Office. A walk that will take you in the footsteps of the great writers that Senlis inspired such as Gérard de Nerval, Alexandre Dumas, Henri Leblanc and Daniel Boulanger. Register with the Senlis/Chantilly Tourist Office.
    11 a.m.: Visit the media library’s heritage collections: normally inaccessible to the public, come and discover the national treasures preserved in the media library’s precious reserve. All audiences, registration recommended at the media library.
    11 a.m.: Stories for children by the Library for All and Read and Make Read, Valois room.
    From 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.:
    Meetings and book signings with Véronique Olmi, Valérie Tong Cuong, Abel Quentin, Hadia Decharrière, Ruben Barrouk, Céline Curiol, Line Papin, Anne Akrich, Gaëlle Pietri, Avril Ventura, Léa Volène, Adrien Mangold, Pierre Léauté, Abdelkrim Saifi, Gérard Bertuzzi, Joëlle Desseigne, Franck Senninger… In youth: Arnaud Boutin, Jeanne Boyer, Delphine Chedru, Chloé du Colombier, Laurent Contamin, Olivier Deloye, Olivier Muller, Anne Didier, Mymi Doinet, Christel Espie, Olivier Ka, Stéphanie Ledu, Richard Petitsigne, Claire Renaud, Pascal Ruter, Carina Rozenfeld and Gulf Stream editions.
    3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.: Writing workshop with Anne Didier, screenwriter of Anatole Latuile, Emile et Margot and Félicie Poucet. From 9 years old, by registration at the media library.
    3 p.m.: Meeting with Laure Defiolles, editorial director of Alma editions and her authors Avril Ventura and Hadia Decharrière. Hosted by Virginie Hougron.
    4 p.m.: Meeting with Véronique Olmi. Hosted by Virginie Hougron.
  • Sunday October 6:
    In the morning:
    At 9 a.m., 10:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.: “Touche à tout” workshops for children aged 3 to 5, led by the association Les doigts qui rêvent: introduction to relief and thanks to multisensory activities and “blind” fine motor skills challenges before creating a relief drawing (collage, embossing, or other technique) to take home! Information and registration at the media library.
    At 10:30 a.m.: “Drawing in Saint-Pierre” workshop led by Anne Didier for children aged 7 to 12. Register at the media library.
    11 a.m.: “Senlis of Writers” tour organized by the Tourist Office. Register with the Senlis-Chantilly Tourist Office.
    11 a.m.: Visit the media library’s heritage collections: normally inaccessible to the public, come and discover the national treasures preserved in the media library’s precious reserve. All audiences, registration recommended at the media library.
    11 a.m.: Stories for children by the Library for All and Read and Make Read, Valois room.
    From 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.:
    Meetings and book signings with Maxime Girardeau, Olivia Gazalé, Olivier Gallien, Liesel Schiffer, Brigitte Lannaud, Marion Rivolier, Cécile Porée, Lomig, Olivier Charneux, Philippe Lacoche, Carine Paccaud, Guillaume Le Baube, Alain Bron, Clara Binard, Jill and Bruno Vanlan, Sylvie Teper, Marc Vantroys, Alain di Rocco, Maryse Delafolli, Claude Sylvie, Brigitte Piedfert… In youth: Greg Tessier, Delphine Chedru, Laurent Contamin, Mymi Doinet, Olivier Ka, Olivier Muller, Claire Renaud, Richard Petitsigne, Pascal Ruter, Carina Rozenfeld and Gulf Stream editions.

During this weekend, find the unmissable sale of second-hand books by the Friends of the Senlis Library, Jacques Joly room, the stands of many associations including Kiwanis, the Audio Library, the Library for all, the Lions Club, Lire et Faire Lire, Unicef, Mémoire Senlisienne, the Senlis Philatelic Association, the History and Archaeology Society, Terres d’Ukraine, Racines et Avenir, the GEMOB (Study and Art Works Group)…

You will also find entertainment and something to eat on Place Malraux, which will be pedestrianized for the occasion.

Need ideas for outings in your city?


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