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A little something extra always explodes the box office, but this film has just surpassed it and it’s a steamroller

The crazy adventure of the film A little thing in more continues. Every week, Artus’ film continues to see its number of entries soar. However, a competitor has just broken the dynamic. And it’s a real steamroller.

Landed in our country on May 1st, A little something extra will undoubtedly mark the year 2024. As of June 18, Artus’ film had 7.3 million admissions. Of course, we are still far from Welcome to the Ch’tis and its 20.4 million spectators orUntouchables (19.4 million) but the comedy is already in the top 100 most seen films of all time in our country.

He is currently 78th, ahead The Adventures of Rabbi Jacob, Aladdin or Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ! If it continues at this pace, with even more than 705,000 admissions during the week of June 12 to 18, it should quickly be able to overtake cult works like The Aries Family, Clockwork Orange, Sixth Sense, Ratatouille, Visitors 2 or Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

>> Soon to be a millionaire thanks to A little something extraArtus already knows what he’s going to do with his money (and it’s very generous)

When anxiety comes to disrupt A little something extra

The only downside: another film is also a hit with the French. Released this Wednesday, June 19, Vice-Versa 2 attracted 527,504 spectators to the cinema. It’s quite simply the best start of the year… ahead A little something extrawhich was satisfied with 279,635 spectators…

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