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It’s one of the biggest movie hits of 2023 and it’s finally arriving on Netflix, get the popcorn ready

It’s official, last year’s box office hit is coming to Netflix very soon. The opportunity to discover or rediscover this film which has convinced the vast majority of spectators.

Credits: 123RF

Sometimes there are films that tempt us at the cinema, but we can’t find the time to go see them. Or they are no longer on display when you finally decide to buy a ticket. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait long before you can watch some of them in the comfort of your living room. And no need to invest in a music player 4K Blu-ray neither: the streaming platforms are offering more and more recent films in their catalog.

Here it is Netflix who is preparing to welcome a animated feature film released in 2023. With approximately $1.3 billion in revenuehe made a place for himself in the top 20 biggest hits of all time. In France it’s simple: it is the most seen film of last year. Hint: the two heroes are mustachioed plumbers easily recognizable by the color of the clothes they wear under their overalls, one red and the other green. You guessed ?

This 2023 box office hit is coming to Netflix very soon

We are of course talking about Super Mario Bros, the movie. If you choose the original version, you will recognize the voices of Chris Pratt or Jack Black. In French, it’s Pierre Tessier which doubles Mario. The actor is particularly known for being the French voice of Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool), but also that of the character of James Wilsonthe best friend of Doctor House, or of Caledon Hockley, the “bad guy” in Titanic.

Read also – If Mario is red, it’s for a very specific reason, Nintendo leaves nothing to chance

Super Mario Bros, the film will be visible on Netflix on July 5. Remember that it will be entitled to a sequel in 2026. It will be released in the United States on April 3, in Japan on the 24th, and in France during the same month, without further details at the moment. Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic, the directors of the first opus, will also be working on the second.


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