DayFR Euro

With 4.5 million admissions, “Un p’tit truc en plus” is a hit everywhere in France… except in Paris!

After a month of release, the film “Un p’tit truc en plus” directed by Artus became the biggest success of the year in French cinemas. An especially provincial success since the film seems to have been shunned by Parisian cinemas according to Radio France.

It’s a paradox never seen before in the history of French cinema! Released on May 1, 2024, “A Little Something Plus” ravages everything in its path. Unexpectedly, his success took him to the steps of the Cannes festival, for which the film team had not even found a couture brand to dress them with.

However, Artus’ comedy had its place among the elite of cinema. The director, who was defending his first film, sparked excitement by explaining that no brand had deigned to create costumes for actors who are disabled and who are the very essence of the film.

Photo credit: Cine Nomine

“Laughing at disability, without ever making fun of it”, is the director’s challenge in offering this feature film to the French public. An audience which was immediately moved by this story and which rushed into the cinemas. With 4.5 million admissions, “Un p’tit truc en plus” is quite simply the most viewed film in France this year, dethroning the American juggernaut Dune 2.

2% of the 4.5 million entries come from Paris

Paradoxically, despite its national success, it seems that die-hard Parisian film fans, like the fashion brands, were not as excited by the success of the film. According to information from the Zoom Zoom Zen podcast on Radio France, only 2% of the 4.5 million admissions to Artus’ film come from the capital.

In comparison, “Intouchables” generated 17% of its admissions in Paris and “What we did to the good god” generated 20% of its admissions there. This shows the gap between the interest of Parisians and that of the provincials for Artus’ film. Announced at 10 million admissions by the end of its operation, the Parisian rate could be estimated at 10%, which is still quite low, but still more than just 2%.


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