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the endings so bad that we would like to forget them

What are the 10 worst movie twists, which are so ridiculous, grotesque, and overused that they become hilarious and almost magical?

In an ideal world, twist scenarios would always be of the quality of Psycho, Sixth Sense, The Others, Old Boy, Les Diaboliques, Planet of the Apes, Fight Club, The Prestige, The Invitation or a good episode of The Fourth Dimension. But in our reality, this is far from the case.

The twist quickly became a clever gimmick, a flashy effect or even a marketing argument, used to raise the level or divert attention from a basic plot. And as our job requires us to watch films that are sometimes painfully worthless, we decided to list 10 of the worst twists ever suffered at the cinema. We could have listed 75, so don’t hesitate to give yours to share the suffering. SPOILER ALERT, OBVIOUSLY!

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There were many suitors

Haute Tension

Sortie : 2003

Duration: 1h31

The big twist that ruins everything a little

What’s the twist: In fact… She was the killer all along (original)!

Why it’s not even coherent: The case of Haute Tension is quite particular, since this final twist of theater arrives like a hair on a bloody soup, otherwise of quality. The film would work perfectly without it and in fact you would think it was added at the last minute. And this is perhaps the case: many accuse producer Luc Besson, who is not his first attempt (see the aborted Joan of Arc by Kathryn Bigelow), of having insisted a lot on adding it . It is difficult to find confirmation of this information, although it is repeated everywhere, but it must be recognized that this twist is inserted with a trowel.

Especially since it doesn’t even really make sense. If the character of Cécile de was really the murderer, she should have doubled up at several points in the plot. To rewatch Haute Tension in the light of this revelation is to confront an absurd story fortunately very well packaged by Aja at the top of his art. Perhaps this is also a symptom among others of the consideration of horror cinema at the time, which could not stand on its own. His descendants will play the twist card later (Inside), with a little more mischief. In the meantime, there’s nothing stopping you from rewatching Haute Tension… and skipping the scene in question.


Sortie : 2013

Duration: 2h05

The 4 horsemen of the apocaplouf

What’s the twist: In fact, it’s the inspector who tries to stop them who has been leading the “four horsemen” from the start (without them knowing it).

Why it’s no longer magic but a scam: Frankly, we’re going to be very honest: Elusive is a bad film. It’s quite nice to follow for 75% of the time because…


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