This sci-fi movie is number 2 on Netflix and its filming was very intense
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This sci-fi movie is number 2 on Netflix and its filming was very intense

Twenty years after its release in theaters, this disaster movie is to be (re)discovered on Netflix. Number 2 in the top, it already warned viewers of the consequences of climate change. The actors had a lot of difficulty filming this thriller, find out why.

In 2004, spectators discovered for the first time The day after (The Day After Tomorrow in English), a disaster film directed by Roland Emmerich. In addition to attracting nearly 2.7 million French people to the cinema and grossing more than 550 million dollars at the global box office, the film left its mark on audiences with the power of its plot and special effects. Available on Netflix and already number 2 in the top most viewed content of the momentit’s time to (re)discover The day afterin which the city of New York and its inhabitants must overcome a terrible natural disaster.

Dennis Quaid Exposes the Extreme Filming Conditions of Day after

Dennis Quaid plays climatologist Jack Hall in One day afterHe was the only one to predict the arrival of another ice age, but he did not think that the consequences of climate change would be felt so soon. To simulate extreme weather conditions, the film’s actors had to shoot in the middle of winter, with huge amounts of artificial snow thrown on them. Dennis Quaid compared the shoot to “a daily test of endurance, a constant struggle for survival!” “I’ve shot several special effects films, but never on this scale. Wrapped up in our parkas, protected from the intense cold by four or five layers of polar clothing, We had the greatest difficulty keeping our eyes open and breathing under the impact of the artificial snow.projected at 150 km/h by giant turbines. It was sometimes downright surreal,” said the actor, now 70 years old.

A disaster movie, but above all a human drama

If Roland Emmerich, a regular in disaster and apocalyptic films, certainly wanted to make Day after a spectacular feature film, It was not at the expense of a plot with a human dimension. : “As broad as its effects are, it is a human drama that constitutes the pivot of this story. Jack Hall and his son Sam are sensitive, vulnerable characters, prey to conflicts that make their confrontation with the forces of nature even more exciting.” The Day After Tomorrow tell the universal fight of man against the elementshe added, before concluding: “It is a heroic story of survival and the triumph of the spirit.”

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias


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