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we explain the allergic reaction that killed Michel Blanc

Universal Images Group / Getty In the event of anaphylactic shock, self-injection of adrenaline may prove essential (illustrative photo).

Universal Images Group / Getty

In the event of anaphylactic shock, self-injection of adrenaline may prove essential (illustrative photo).

HEALTH – It was Gérard Jugnot who first suggested this disastrous prospect on RTL: the death of his friend Michel Blanc would be the consequence of anaphylactic shock, this Thursday, October 3. A lead quickly relayed by several media, including BFMTV and M6. In short: it was an allergic reaction (as part of a medical examination) which killed the 72-year-old actor, known for his notable appearances within the Splendid troupe and a prolific career in front of and behind the camera .

Indeed, anaphylactic shock is caused by exposure to an allergen. This can be a food (nuts, shellfish, peanuts, exotic fruits, etc.), a medicine (the most frequent cases are linked to iodine used in medical imaging examinations, but anesthetics and vaccines are also concerned, among others) or an insect bite, but also a material with which the body comes into contact (such as latex).

Shock can also be caused by an external element to which the person is only slightly allergic, in a situation where exposure is aggravated by intense effort, such as sport, or a pre-existing affliction, such as severe asthma. .

Multiple and intersecting symptoms

Anaphylactic shock is therefore a reaction of the body to hypersensitivity. This reaction is sudden, violent, considered an absolute medical emergency and is accompanied by symptoms which can vary, but always multiple: cough, appearance of itchy hives, breathing difficulties, discomfort (which can range from fainting to coma) , cardiac arrhythmia, vomiting…

In many cases, the shock also causes the appearance of edema, that is, localized swelling of certain tissues. If these edemas generally form on the face, the most worrying case is said to be “ de Quincke “, named after the German doctor who first studied it, and is characterized by formation in the respiratory tract. If angioedema obstructs the larynx or throat, there is a real risk of death from asphyxiation.

This is why people with allergies are used to monitoring the appearance of such symptoms when they are at risk of being exposed to allergens. Because in this case, you must receive medical treatment as quickly as possible. Due to the risk of recurrence of anaphylaxis, some people have adrenaline self-injection pens in their possession at all times, in addition to the traditional corticosteroids and antihistamines that allergy sufferers are familiar with.

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