The accounts of the Confederation 2024, announced with a deficit of 2.6 billion francs, “should be better than expected,” announces Finance Minister Karin Keller-Sutter.
This is explained “in particular because the single contribution of nearly a billion that the Parliament wishes for SBB will be paid in 2025 instead of the past year,” said the federal councilor in an interview broadcast on Sunday by Morning Sunday and the Sunday newspaper. “But it is still impossible to encrypt additional income”.
The prospects promise to be darker for the following years, with annual deficits of around 3 billion francs per year, she recalls. In 2026, there is already “an additional charge of around 2 billion”, due in particular to the 13th AVS rent, she notes.
Additional recipes from Geneva
“The good news is that we are going to receive additional revenue not planned from Geneva.” The Canton of Geneva will take recipes relating to the 1920s and 2023 significantly higher, in particular thanks to companies active in the trading of raw materials and energy, explains PRL Saint-Galloise. “According to the first estimates, these extraordinary revenues could bring back several hundred million a year for the next three years.”
Karin Keller-Sutter notes, however, that these sums are “far” to be sufficient “to straighten federal finances”. Expenditure continues to increase, it warns. The “reduction program” only reduces the growth in spending by 3 to 2%, she adds.