Fantastic Four: A Big Clue Revealed for the 2025 Marvel Movie? – Movie News

Fantastic Four: A Big Clue Revealed for the 2025 Marvel Movie? – Movie News
Fantastic Four: A Big Clue Revealed for the 2025 Marvel Movie? – Movie News

With just weeks to go before San Diego Comic-Con, where the film is expected to be discussed, a “Fantastic Four” banner has revealed a possible hint at how it will tie into the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

On July 27, Marvel Studios will make its grand return to San Diego Comic-Con. And everyone is thanking them for it, from fans to the organizers of the convention, which has enjoyed a renewed interest from the general public since this announcement.

While insiders of all stripes are already taking advantage of this to rush into the breach and try to guess what will be shown or mentioned, no official information is circulating on this subject yet. As usual, since we always have to wait for the studio panel to be fixed. But we can imagine that it will be a question of his next films. Including The Fantastic Four, which now has a cast.

Expected in our theaters on July 23, 2025, Matt Shakman’s film seems well on its way to being an event (with its quartet reunited on the stage of the famous Hall H, even a first photo of the actors in costume) and these banners seen around the event venue confirm it. With what could be a big clue about the feature film.

Under the Fantastic Four logo, we can indeed see that of the Future Foundation. Which, in the comic books, links the heroes to Spider-Man or Doctor Doom, their nemesis. An organization set up by Reed Richards aiming to bring together some of the most brilliant minds of his time, to solve future problems.

While they were absent at the time of its creation, Spider-Man and Doctor Doom eventually join the group, and the film could introduce a new super-team within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. From there to Tom Holland’s Peter Parker being part of it, however, there is a step that will not be easy to take.

As the few visuals revealed so far have suggested, Fantastic Four will take place during the 1960s. And in a parallel universe to the one in which Iron Man and his ilk saved the world on several occasions. Kevin Feige recently confirmed this, and it will help explain their absence when Loki and Thanos posed a major threat to the planet.

A time problem?

Seeing Tom Holland alongside Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby, Joseph Quinn and Ebon Moss-Bachrach therefore seems complicated. As for Doctor Doom, who has not yet been officially cast despite what the scoopers are trying to make us believe, things seem more feasible, as it would be surprising if the character were not present in a more or less pronounced way.

Especially since he has everything it takes to succeed Loki, Thanos or Kang in the role of the big bad guy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (rumors even suggest that he could take the place of the character played by Jonathan Majors), and holds a central place in the plot of Secret Wars, which will serve as the basis for the sixth Avengers film.

We may find out more at Comic-Con. If not, it will be in July 2025. But after more false starts, the new version of the Fantastic Four seems ready to take flight in theaters. And to expand the Marvel Cinematic Universe a little more.



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