12 cartoon-style characters

For fans of the universe of JRR Tolkienthe very idea of ​​revisiting the epic saga of Lord of the Rings in cartoon version makes the mouth water, and yet there is none to come. It is in this state of mind that the member of Reddit known as valeofvirtue wanted to create these images using artificial intelligence Midjourney in order to generate new images. I must admit that after seeing the images it really makes me want to see this wish come true.

The Lord of the Rings cartoon style

Recently, a member of Reddit known as valeofvirtue, also a fan of Lord of the Rings wanted to realize the dream of the biggest fans of cartoons and Tolkien, namely making an animated adaptation a reality. To achieve this, he repeatedly created prompts or sentences understood by the AI ​​in order to generate images. And this is how we can finally discover what his vision of Lord of the Rings looks like, which will not be to everyone’s taste.

1/ Cartoon-style Saruman


2/ Gollum in anime


3/ Sam cartoon style


4/ Aragorn in cartoon


5/ Elrond in cartoon version


6/ Arwen adapted into anime


7/ Legolas anime style


8/ the ring


9/ Cartoon style Frodo


10/ Pippin and Merry adapted into a cartoon

type="image/webp">Pippin and Merry>

11/ galadriel in anime version


12/ Gandalf in animated film


These creations are the pure fruit of this Internet user’s imagination and are in no way part of an official project. However, we can still salute the feat which really makes you want to enjoy this cartoon saga.

This is not the first time that Internet users and fans have had fun transforming their favorite licenses. Recently, we were able to see a new version of the SpongeBob cartoon in a graphic style not as wise as the original. Indeed, the AI ​​was inspired by the creations of director Tim Burton and the result is really very similar to what he could do. Then, we also had the creation of new images of Star Wars characters with a much more colorful touch since it takes up the saturated and contrasted color palette of the video game GTA 5. This gives a facelift to the saga and we would like to see one day a comic strip or comics in this style.



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