Cancer cases are increasing sharply among women in this age group

Cancer cases are increasing sharply among women in this age group
Cancer cases are increasing sharply among women in this age group

The American Cancer Society (the equivalent of our National Cancer Institute for the United States) has just published its annual report which compiles the most recent data on the occurrence of cancer in the population. It shows that the cancer mortality rate has continued to fall thanks to reductions in smoking, earlier detection of certain cancers and improved treatments. But it also shows that although the overall incidence of cancer has decreased among men, it has, on the other hand, increased among women. A finding that matches that of the National Cancer Institute in , which announced a few months ago that two cancers (lung cancer and pancreatic cancer) show a worrying increase in the incidence rate in women since 2010 .

More cancers among women aged 50 to 65 than among men of the same age

The ACS report states that “women under the age of 65 are now more likely to be diagnosed with cancer than a man in the same age group.” For the first time since 1900, the cancer rate among women aged 50 to 64 has exceeded that of men in the same age group. While among women under 50, the incidence rate is already 82% higher than that of their male counterparts. “The observation is the following: we have more cancers overall, particularly among young people and particularly among (…)

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