Risk of thunderstorms expected to persist until mid-September: expert

Risk of thunderstorms expected to persist until mid-September: expert

The latest data from weather maps, according to European and American models, reveal an intensification of weather conditions unstable in the countries of Maghreb during the first 15 days of September, explains Mustapha Benramel. These conditions will affect several parts of the Moroccoof the Tunisia and from the west of the LibyaThe climate expert stressed in a statement to “Assahraa Al Maghribia” that these disturbances will be accompanied by the formation of storm clouds that will affect the center, south and southeast of the Kingdom.

Furthermore, the specialist predicts that the weather situation the next few days are accompanied by vents violent and gusts descending during the passage of storm clouds, which could lead to the formation of dust collectoror even sandstorms in some cases, reducing visibility and disrupting daily life. He therefore advised taking precautions against thunderstorms when cumuliform clouds form.

The president of the association of ecological minarets for development and climate also noted that these storm clouds will be accompanied by rains of varying intensity. “The activity of thunderclouds is expected to increase in the afternoon and evening, affecting several regions of Morocco, northern Algeria, Tunisia, as well as parts of western Libya,” he said. The specialist attributed these rains to the arrival of tropical wet waves in Africa, in synchronization with a thermal energy high. Large areas of central and northern Africa, including the Sahara, will be affected by these waves of tropical humidity which are expected to persist for at least the next two weeks, with the expansion of the intertropical convergence zone. Huge amounts of tropical water vapor will propagate through the different layers of the atmosphere, accompanied by rising ground temperatures, upward air currents and strong thermal energy.


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