Settat: water quality worries the population

Settat: water quality worries the population

Following numerous complaints about water interruptions and changes in the color and taste of water in Settat, Fatima Tamni, a member of the Democratic Left Federation in the House of Representatives, asked for clarification on this issue.

In a written question addressed to Nizar Baraka, Minister of Equipment and Water, Tamni explained that the population of Settat is suffering from significant deterioration on all levels, including frequent water cuts, as well as changes in the color and taste of the water. Citizens express concerns about the quality and potability of the water supplied, and compliance with the standards in force.

Tamni stressed that a lack of communication was noted on the part of the “Chaouia Water and Electricity Distribution Agency” and other institutions involved in finding solutions to the problems encountered. Citizens are waiting for urgent intervention to resolve this situation.

Tamni also questioned Nizar Baraka about the real causes of this abnormal situation, the carrying out of analyses to measure the quality of the water and its potability, as well as the publication of the results of the analyses in order to prevent possible health damage linked to the use and consumption of this water.


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