General census: here are the kinds of questions that interviewers will ask households

General census: here are the kinds of questions that interviewers will ask households

The general census of population and housing (RGPH) adopts, in its 7th edition which started on September 1, a new methodology capable of providing the data necessary for monitoring the implementation of the new development model. The operation covers the greatest possible number of data, writes the daily Al Ahdath Al Maghribia in its edition of Monday, September 2.

Thus, the daily explains, during this RGPH, a double questionnaire will be used to collect data from households. The first questionnaire is short and includes questions related to demographic structures, data on family ties with the head of the family, gender and nationality, as well as registration in the civil registry, date and place of birth, among others.

It also includes data related to rare phenomena such as international migration and mortality. In this same questionnaire, the investigator will ask questions about the degree of proximity of certain social services, school, college, health center, to get an idea of ​​the accessibility of these services.

The second questionnaire, longer and more detailed, includes, in addition to the above, questions on new topics, including social protection, the use of information and communication technologies and the environment. This questionnaire is addressed to a sample of 20% of households. The interviewer will ask questions about medical coverage, educational level, the nature of educational institutions attended, private or public, diplomas obtained, as well as questions on the use of new technologies and the availability of the Internet, a computer or telephones.

The long questionnaire continues Al Ahdath Al Maghribiaalso includes questions on the nature of the professional activity and the main activity of the employer establishment of the head of the household questioned. The latter will also have to answer questions on the nature of the accommodation he occupies, the number of rooms occupied, the possession and mode of use of domestic equipment, the connection to the electricity and drinking water network, the use of renewable energies, etc.

According to the daily, this year’s RGPH allows us to know the demographic, social and economic characteristics of the entire population, including specific population groups such as nomads and homeless people, but also immigrants settled in Morocco and asylum beneficiaries.

Furthermore, the daily newspaper emphasizes, the budget of the RGPH 2024 is estimated at 1.46 billion dirhams, divided between the remuneration of participants (67%), material and logistical resources (20%) and technological resources (13%). The material and logistical resources mobilized to carry out the census include 55,000 census supplies (tablets, school bags, badges, etc.), 350 training and storage centers, 90 supply storage centers and 7,000 vehicles and drivers.

Par Amyne Asmlal

01/09/2024 at 9:08 p.m.


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