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Harvester Moon to light up sky next week | ArabiaWeather


Arabia Weather – Expert astronomer and member of the British Royal Astronomical Society, Imad Mujahid, announced that the sky of Jordan and Arab countries will witness the phenomenon of the Harvest Moon on the night of Tuesday to next Wednesday, corresponding to the September 17th and 18th.

On Thursday, Mujahid explained that the moon would rise from the northeast side in the sky of Amman with a sunset at 6:25 p.m., and would continue in the sky until it sets on the western horizon at 6:28 a.m., illuminating the sky for about 12 hours. He pointed out that the Harvest Moon occurs when the moon is full or full near the autumn equinox, which falls on September 22, and is characterized by its rise towards the north and its greater brightness compared to the full moon in other months, in addition to its early morning sunrise.

Mujahid explained that on average, the moon rises about 50 minutes later than the previous night, but in the case of the Harvester Moon, it is delayed by 30 to 35 minutes in areas near the equator. It also rises a few minutes before sunset.

The Harvester Moon Through History

In recent decades, European farmers have taken advantage of the glow of the harvest moon to work at night, plowing the land and scattering seeds under its light, preparing for the agricultural season and waiting for the rains to fall. Hence the name that astronomers have given to this moon.

Mujahid pointed out that astronomers also call this phenomenon the “corn moon” because European farmers harvest corn at this time of year, after it has ripened.

  • Invitation to photography enthusiasts

Mujahid called on specialists and photography enthusiasts to take pictures of the moon when it rises next Friday night, as its appearance will be distinctive and great, especially in the Wadi Rum region with its charming rocky mountains. He suggested sending the pictures to international astronomical sites. strengthen the scientific and tourism promotion of the Kingdom.

See also:

The Harvester Moon…what you need to know about the September moon

What is the Harvest Moon? What does it have to do with the Autumn Equinox?

This article was originally written in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.


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