Diastolic hypertension: causes, symptoms, treatments

Diastolic hypertension: causes, symptoms, treatments

Doctors measure blood pressure using two numbers: systolic and diastolic. When the numbers are above normal, doctors call it high blood pressure. If only the second number is high, it indicates isolated diastolic hypertension.

By definition, isolated diastolic hypertension corresponds to a diastolic blood pressure greater than 90 mmHg (millimeters of mercury), while systolic blood pressure is normal, i.e. less than 140 mmHg. We often focus on systolic blood pressure when talking about hypertension. However, as shown in the file entitled Risks of diastolic hypertension, published on the Hypertension Foundation website, a diastolic pressure greater than 90 mmHg doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke.

As indicated by the Hypertension Foundation, diastolic high blood pressure is relatively rare. It affects 5% of people aged 35 and over, 8.2% of individuals aged 35 to 54, 4.8% of people aged 55 to 74 and only 0.8% after the age of 75. The causes of diastolic high blood pressure are not yet fully understood. However, it may be due to a loss of flexibility of the artery walls and/or their narrowing, due to aging and/or certain environmental factors. These risk factors include (…)

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