On the sidelines of the Teacher’s Day celebration… raising the reputation of the teaching profession depends on job security and psychological and social stability

On the sidelines of the Teacher’s Day celebration… raising the reputation of the teaching profession depends on job security and psychological and social stability
On the sidelines of the Teacher’s Day celebration… raising the reputation of the teaching profession depends on job security and psychological and social stability

On October 5 of each year, the world celebrates the International Day of Female Teachers in recognition of their noble function in creating a society of science and knowledge, and in confirmation of the importance of the roles they play in their societies, as they are a fundamental lever of sustainable development and one of the elements who bear the responsibility of fertilizing societal soil to produce generations capable of Achieving its legitimate ambitions. “Teachers have an essential role in the life of societies. They are the only ones capable of transmitting values, refining character, consolidating attitudes and behaviors, and giving every learner the possibility of becoming a good and productive citizen.” – Frederico Mayor (former Director of UNESCO).

The progress of societies is linked to the availability of political will to reform education, and every bet on sustainable development is linked to the amount of investment allocated to improving the pedagogical process within the classroom (didactic aids – basic equipment – improving the performance of teachers and motivating them…) and to achieve this choice, we must rely on women and men in education. And involve them in the movement for the desired change and construction because (teachers are essential in the education of individuals and societies. They not only teach reading, writing, and arithmetic, but they also develop in the learner and every individual criticism, innovation, and creativity, help them sanctify themselves and their communities, and teach them what they need in order to become productive citizens with an active life) – Mary Vitrelle – International Bureau for Education.

When World Teachers’ Day falls on October 5 of each year, many international organizations concerned with cultural, scientific and educational affairs, from UNESCO to UNICEF to the International Labor Organization, send messages of appreciation and respect to all male and female teachers in the world in appreciation and recognition of the role played by male and female teachers in every world. All parts of the world, in order to expand the horizons of learners in the horizon of building a society of science, knowledge, modernity, and progress, despite what most societies and countries suffer from the scourges of poverty, wars, violence, disease, and epidemics… However, you find them (teachers) on the front lines in confronting and resisting ignorance, illiteracy, and hatred, to implant in its place the values ​​of life. And right, justice, freedom, equality and human dignity…they live in dire and difficult situations: insufficient wages – chronic diseases – weak means of work – suppression of trade union and political freedoms – daily suffering inside the classroom in order to develop the skills and competencies of the learners..

On this day, we recall in our country the enormity of the educational mission entrusted to male and female teachers, regardless of their positions and tasks, and it reaffirms the importance of the role of the education family in bringing about meaningful social change and achieving the desired human development. This legitimate ambition cannot be achieved unless (by establishing a new contract with the Authority Teaching is based on trust in the Moroccan school and enhancing its means of progress…and this contract can be organized around a dynamic constructive social dialogue between the various parties concerned) – Supreme Education Council

In its previous version, the Supreme Education Council suggested the necessity of accelerating the renewal of the teaching profession in the direction of professionalizing and valuing it while contracting specific goals that can be evaluated and developed, which would make the teaching staff assume its decisive role in the success of the deep reform of the education and training system (we live in a competitive world with a globalized economy). …In order for individuals and societies in general to live in prosperity, it is necessary to have quality education and high-level education that includes a high-level social status for educational personnel: a respectable wage – suitable working conditions and good management of the future of education (Bill Rattery) in charge of programming – International Labor Organization)

That is why everyone appealed to all previous governments, and they appeal to the current government and the guardian ministry, to work on reforming the material, social and educational conditions of male and female teachers, ensuring their protection from all threats and intimidation, preserving their rights, and enhancing their intellectual, scientific and methodological capabilities and their educational and professional gains, by supporting them with basic and continuous training that responds to developments and the requirements of contemporary development and implementation. With continuous and continuous reviews of the recruitment, appointment, promotion and evaluation systems in order to achieve more job security and psychological and social stability for male and female teachers before asking them, as is usual, to perform better and with greater patience.

World Teachers’ Day is upon us, and we may not remember those who pay a heavy fine as a result of the chronic diseases they suffer from due to the burden of educational responsibility, including, in particular, psychological and mental illnesses resulting from the conditions of the teaching profession. Neurosis, for example, results from a lack of compatibility and adaptation to the requirements of the place (the educational space). ) which exceeds the adaptive capabilities of the actor, that is, when relations with the place become insufficient and unsafe… and that many of our male and female teachers suffer more from other diseases such as lack of vision and hearing, blood pressure diseases, and diabetes… Therefore, the ministry and the government are required to deal with these diseases as diseases resulting from the exercise of their jobs. Basically, occupational diseases.

World Teachers’ Day is upon us and we are in dire need of improving the conditions of school life in terms of the structure of the departments, the learning space, the teacher’s pedagogical space in the daily and weekly classes, and providing the necessary material and technical capabilities to ensure the quality of education and restore respect to the teaching professions.

International Teachers’ Day is upon us, and the digital media does not hesitate to hunt down any incident in the school community in order to work on it, market it in a vulgar way, blow it up, and display it in bold red font on websites (a principal who harasses… a professor who assaults – violates… rapes… does justice to private hours clients and does not do justice to others. At the points of constant surveillance… a “complicated” mentally ill professor… a professor who does not respect her students…) and other forms of cyberbullying.

The teacher has become a valuable prey by “hunters” and Tik Tok harassers. Pictures of him are taken without his knowledge from within the institution’s spaces, but from within the classrooms, and “the electronic harasser is creative” in distorting the pictures and placing sarcastic comments on them with the intention of insulting and belittling, after which the video is circulated on the Internet… It is a form of moral aggression that is difficult to control or measure its impact and moral and psychological pain, especially since these new media outlets have extraordinary capabilities to circulate these offensive images and are accompanied by comments, obscene words, sexual innuendos, or expressions that violate their personal sanctity, and if these new digital means allow for the development of practices and competencies And the information of the learners, but some take it as an “outlet” to express their discontent with the teachers!!!

If Morocco has issued Law No. 03.07 circulating the set of criminal law regarding crimes related to the automated data processing system and the appropriate penalties for them according to their degree of seriousness, the penalties must be tightened for all transgressions and abuses inflicted on citizens in general and employees in particular and for all crimes of assault on persons and the sanctity of private life. . Learners must also be made aware of the danger of using social networks to affect the private lives of their teachers and educators, and stress that the relationship between the two parties is based on the transfer of knowledge and values. The defect in the system of moral values ​​must also be corrected as a result of deficiencies in school legislation and the absence of a legal culture and a general code of ethics in curricula and textbooks.

One of the forms of negligence and lack of seriousness and severity in the punishments issued against violators is the ministerial memorandum that frames the department council in its disciplinary section, which prevents the arrest of the learner even if he insults the teacher, but only allows him (her) to be presented to the disciplinary council, which cannot strive for a more severe punishment. (Completing work within the institution – organizing the library…)

This ministerial memorandum may have been based on the absence of any legal text that allows anyone to remove a student from the classroom, because the prevailing rule requires that the role of the school be to keep the student in the classroom to teach, discipline, and protect him.

International Teachers’ Day is upon us, and the trade union organizations are experiencing abnormal situations of crisis and fragmentation. Their role has declined significantly, making them unable to influence and act in the educational and struggle arena. They have failed to take a pioneering position at the forefront of the social and political conflict, which has opened the way for the coordination committees to take the initiative to push the demands on a hot plate of Protests, strikes, and this crisis that has penetrated union institutions are what prompted other parties on the other side to eliminate a number of union and professional rights (contracting in place of employment – raising the retirement age).

Today, voices have begun to rise within these unions, rising with demands, criticism, evaluation, and demands to submit an account to the union rules. Of course, the spontaneous reactions of the worn-out union leaders were not at the level of the stage and were not aware or astute enough to understand the present or anticipate the requirements of work in the future. It seems that these leaders are still clinging to union authority.

International Teachers’ Day (October 5) is upon us, and with it circumstances come in which the state of education in our country is floundering in an inferno of analogies, projections, debates, forums, and reform forums, from the National Charter to the Emergency Program to the Strategic Vision to the Framework Law, from the Theory of Goals to the Philosophy of Competencies to… and from institutions. Excellence goes to pioneering schools and the rest comes in the absence of the ability to control emergency factors and in the absence of political and moral accountability, until education has turned into a field of experiments and a victim of separate policies and circumstantial decisions of successive governments. The loss was not only the exorbitant cost at the level of financial investment in education, but it was even greater in magnitude. On the human and social level, we have missed many valuable opportunities to qualify the emerging generations and prepare them to fight the battle of development and face the increasing economic and social tasks. To correct this situation today, the Quality School for All project cannot be achieved except by raising the status of the teaching profession, improving the material and moral social and psychological conditions of teachers, and providing appropriate conditions to ensure Strong involvement of male and female teachers in the reform process and motivating them to give more.

Every year, our teachers and professors become more knowledgeable, professional, knowledgeable, experienced, and enthusiastic about improving public schools and ensuring quality education for all.



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