The method of financing nurseries once again in the spotlight

The method of financing nurseries once again in the spotlight
The method of financing nurseries once again in the spotlight

Victor Castanet’s book, “Les Ogres” (1)released on September 18 in bookstores, comes to shake the early childhood sector, after the publication of the report of the fact-finding mission of the general inspection of social affairs (Igas) on mistreatment in crèches (2) and the two incriminating investigations into the sector, in 2023 (3). The journalist denounces the dysfunctions of the People&Baby group, the result of a systemic low-cost logic in the sector of lucrative private daycare centers. In addition to chilling testimonies from parents and professionals on the mistreatment inflicted on children, he reveals those from senior executives of People&Baby, thus revealing a system based on reducing costs at all costs, coupled with fraudulent practices at all levels of the company. …

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