the lesson of media irony towards France


Tensions between France and Algeria are once again at the forefront, exacerbated by the prospect of presidential elections in Algeria and the different positions taken by French political actors.

This time, the state television, Canal Algérie, has risen to unparalleled heights in the art of French insults, calling France, no less, the “laughing stock of the world.”

The reason for this virulent attack? A simple criticism of the French media on the election so transparent, so democratic, of the badly appointed and re-elected president, who, in a burst of modesty, won 95% of the votes. A score which, of course, would have made historical figures like Stalin or Saddam Hussein pale with jealousy.

The laughing stock of the world: a role reversal according to Canal Algérie

In this tense climate, the Algerian elections have become a major point of friction, not only for Algerian domestic politics, but also for international relations with France. Also, it is clear that in these times there is a sudden and gentle symphony of Algerian state media, always on the front line to defend national honor with the elegance of a tank in a china shop!

But enough joking. According to Canal Algérie, Algeria is today a ” great country of freedoms “, a haven of prosperity where the sun of stability shines constantly. Algerian citizens, moreover, confirm this themselves, every day, by taking to the sea to flee this paradise of stability and prosperity. The harragas, these reckless young people, are obviously not economic refugees, but misunderstood adventurers, thirsty for European adventures.

They set out to conquer this ” misery colony ” that is France. Ironically, they prefer the misery of an uncertain life to the splendor of this country that has given them everything. Poor things, they simply have not yet opened their eyes to the joys of a stable Algeria, where rights are respected, prosperity abounds, and elections produce… inspiring results.

Between nostalgia and reality: the flight of Algerians to French “misery”

That’s not all. Canal Algérie, with its usual sense of nuance, sheds even more light on the reality of things: Algeria would be ” much better off than France “We see this with these endless queues in front of French consulates. This is obviously just a misunderstanding, a tragic incomprehension.

Algerians are rushing in droves to leave their earthly paradise, but that is probably because they have not yet realized that the real Eldorado lies beneath their feet on this side of the Mediterranean. Ah, the irony of fate!

Finally, let us not forget the high point of this statement: ” The whole world is talking about Algeria and its great advances ” Indeed, the whole world is talking about it. Alas, not for the reasons that Canal Algérie would have us believe. But what does it matter, since in this parallel universe, it is France that has become the ” laughing stock of the world “, a nation sinking into chaos while Algeria, for its part, shines with its democratic splendor.

Yes, France, that tired old country, once glorious, now torn between social crises, pension reforms and yellow vests, has fallen very low. And, in the meantime, Algeria, a model of political stability (isn’t it?), is leading the dance. What’s more, it is doing pirouettes that the whole world is watching with fascination… or dismay, depending on the media prism you choose.

In short, it is just a master class in reverse rhetoric, where everything that is black becomes white, and where reality is a simple question of perspective… or propaganda. But, let us dive even deeper into this Algerian-French symphony of small media digs. Canal Algérie did not do things by halves to describe a France supposedly in decline, all sprinkled with its benevolent look at the prosperity of a country that the whole world admires… according to its words.

95%: democracy with a “corporal” sauce

Canal Algérie also offers us the pearl of the media day. With a re-election of the senile from the balcony of the Muppets show made in Algeria with 95% of the votes, we immediately feel the democratic breath of the country, the sincere and free expression of the Algerian people. And, what can we say about this modest victory that crushes any Western attempt to understand what an election is?

The French, those political amateurs, could take some notes. Maybe 95% is just a little too modern for their taste? A little wink to Emmanuel Macron who must be kicking himself with his much lower approval ratings and his struggle to muster votes… What an amateur!

Canal Algérie goes even further by reminding France of the sad day when it was “driven out” of its colony. It must be said that the official history of Algeria could never pass up the opportunity to remind France of its bitter failure.

It is almost a kind of therapy, repeated endlessly on the national airwaves to reassure the people: “We defeated France, we triumphed, and today we are on top of the world.”. A mantra, a bit like a national remedy to soothe present suffering.


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