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These plants that tolerate pollution well

Some plants have the ability to adapt to polluted air, flourish and stay healthy. No more yellow or brown spots on the foliage. Here are our tips for having a beautiful garden in areas where air quality is poor.

A garden with plants that are resistant to air pollution is possible. Some plants suffer from pollutants in the air, mainly in urban areas. By piling up on the leaves, they prevent photosynthesis from taking place. Other plants, on the contrary, are able to absorb them and contain them in the soil. They are then removed by rain. Some have an effect on the environment by depolluting it by capturing CO2. Which plants tolerate pollution well?


The ivy

The ivy.
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This climbing plant from the Araliaceae family, thanks to its leaves, knows how to capture atmospheric pollutants. Ivy adapts to all soils. Plant it in the sun or partial shade. Be careful though because it can become invasive. Regular pruning is therefore recommended, especially if it is used on a facade.


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Marjoram, from the Lamiaceae family, is a herbaceous and perennial plant that grows in all types of soil but preferably well-drained and in full sun. Rain has the particularity of cleaning it of pollution particles.

The rhododendron

The rhododendron.
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The rhododendron, which belongs to the Ericaceae family, grows in loose, humus-rich, neutral to acidic soil (pH between 4.5 and 6). It has the particularity of having thick and resistant leaves. This plant must be able to benefit from the sun’s rays or be planted in partial shade. Its flowering offers flowers in varied shades, from white to mauve, including pink.

Also readCan you prune rhododendrons that are over 30 years old?

Star jasmine

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Hardy, star jasmine is a climbing plant of the Oleaceae family with deciduous foliage. It is planted in light and rich soil, in a sunny location. It flowers in summer. This plant with persistent foliage has good resistance to pollution.

Read the fileJasmine, dipladenia, wisteria… All about climbing plants


The linden tree

The linden tree.
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Majestic in appearance with dense deciduous foliage, the lime tree, belonging to the tiliaceae family, can reach around thirty meters high. Its growth is rapid in the first years. It needs rich and fresh soil, space and exposure to the sun or slightly shaded.

The plane maple

Plane maple or Acer Platanoides.
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The plane maple, from the Sapindaceae family, is a fast-growing, robust deciduous tree that is very resistant to air pollution. As an adult, it can reach 20 to 30 m in height. Plant it in non-peaty soil, in the sun or slightly in the shade. It flowers in April.

Also readWhy is my maple tree already losing its leaves?


Juniper is a tree or shrub with a bushy habit.
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Juniper (Cupressaceae family) is an ornamental conifer that has the particularity of resisting urban pollution. It adapts to all types of soil. Expose it to the sun or partial shade.



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Planted in spring in poor soil and exposed to the sun, lavender is a small shrub of the Labiaceae family. Its long blue spikes fill the garden with fragrance. Rain rids the plant of pollution.

Also readLavender, the scent of the Mediterranean

The forsythia

The forsythia.
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From the Oleaceae family, forsythia is recognized by its yellow flowers that bloom in March. This shrub thrives in any type of soil. But it is best to plant it in fresh, humus-rich soil, exposed to the sun or slightly shaded.


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Whether white, pink or mauve, lilac (from the Oleaceae family) grows in well-drained soil, planted in the sun or partial shade. Its spring flowering is most resplendent and the fragrance released by its flowers is very pleasant. It tolerates air pollution well as well as wind.

Also readHow to propagate lilacs?

The camellia

The camellia.
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Belonging to the Theaceae family, the camellia is a shrub that needs shade or light sunlight. It must be planted in soil that is both acidic and well-drained. This plant is well suited to city gardens because of its resistance to urban pollution.


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