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the merciless duel between the brother and the unpunished assassin

THE MISSING HEAD (2/3) – Since his brother’s murder, Olivier Doire has had only one obsession: to obtain the truth about this crime that “destroyed” his life. Between family secrets, macabre discoveries and fabrications, he embarks on a fierce hunt.

  • The decapitated body of hunter Christophe Doire, found on the side of a road in Allier in 1995, haunts the hills of Bourbonnais and the minds of its inhabitants. Investigations, as much as rumors, have focused on an ideal suspect without ever managing to prove his guilt. Nearly thirty years later, the thick fog surrounding this bloody crime dissipates and a new potential murderer emerges. The shock is total when the arrest takes place in the victim’s close circle. Through unpublished documents and testimonies, The Figaro delivers an exclusive investigation into this news item which conceals one last mystery : what did the murderer do with the victim’s head ?

On December 16, 1995, Olivier Doire, a die-hard football fan, had friends over to watch the match between the Verts de Saint-Étienne, his favorite team, and PSG. Kick-off was at 8 p.m. to the excited cries of the supporters sitting in the living room of his modest apartment north of Vichy. The only person missing was his older brother, Christophe, 28. When the little dark-haired man with the dark eyes finally showed up at the door, he told him that he had been « on the verge of not coming ». His wife dropped the hair dryer in the bathtub while he was taking a shower. « I got a huge shock and the fuses blew. »he confides to him. Caught up in the excitement of the Saint-Etienne team’s first goal, Olivier Doire does not dwell on this domestic accident.


At the end of the evening, which ended in a draw, the host, exhausted from a day of work that began at dawn, escorts his guests to the door. His brother suggests that he join him hunting the next day, but Olivier has not renewed his hunting license. « Looking back, I think he wanted us to meet one-on-one to tell me something… » He lets his brother drive away in his burgundy Renault 18 in the winter darkness. It is the last time Christophe is seen alive. Did he fear for his life that night? Did he try in vain to share his suspicions with his brother? Olivier is now certain of it.

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