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Planning a trip to Egypt? What you need to know before packing your suitcase

Passionate about pyramids and Egyptian civilization? Formalities, travel dates… What you need to know before planning a trip.

From its thousand-year-old tombs to the mythical Nile Valley, Egypt fascinates with its history and, of course, its historical heritage. Located in the East of North Africa, the country nicknamed “Oum dounia” (mother of the world) reveals itself through its capital, Cairo, but also by the ancient charm of Alexandria and its legendary pyramids. Proof of this: in 2023, 14.9 million people visited the country, a historic record. But before leaving, there are some things to keep in mind to enjoy your stay.

When should you leave?

To enjoy the land of the pharaohs, it is best to go in spring or autumn. In summer, the thermometer easily reaches 40 degrees, making visits to the citadel or the souk of Cairo literally stifling. The month of May remains ideal for going back in time by exploring the pyramid of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Also, it is advisable to be vaccinated against hepatitis A, B and C. For long expeditions or visits to rural areas, vaccinations against rabies and typhoid are also important in order to avoid diseases such as malaria or tourista. Extremely exposed to the sun and pollution, it is better to leave equipped with sunscreen and to hydrate well.

What are the mandatory formalities?

The port of Alexandria, Egypt.
AlexAnton / AlexAnton –

To enter the country, you must present a passport valid for at least six months after the date of arrival or a French identity card. Two passport photos are also required upon entry to the territory for the visa which is mandatory. This document only costs a few euro cents and can be obtained before the trip from the Egyptian consulate, on their website, or on site upon arrival at the airport.

In terms of transport, it can be dangerous to rent a car, due to the fast traffic, and to favor the train, bus or boat. Be careful, some areas of the country are currently strongly discouraged, in particular the Sinai Peninsula and the desert area to the west and south of Egypt, on the border with Libya and Sudan. Some of these regions are close to Israel, currently at war with Hamas. To ensure the safety of French nationals, the list of areas to avoid is regularly updated on the France Diplomatie website, which must be consulted before your departure.

IN VIDEO – The statue of Ramses II returns to Egypt after more than thirty years.



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