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Three police officers killed in ‘armed attack’ in southern West Bank

Three Israeli police officers, including a woman, were killed on Sunday in a “armed attack” in the south of the occupied West Bank, announced the commander of the Israeli police in this Palestinian territory where the Israeli army is carrying out a vast operation “anti-terrorist”.

Commander Ouzi Levy spoke to the press alongside National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, a far-right settler. “Instead of releasing terrorists, we should shoot them in the head”launched by Itamar Ben Gvir. “The right to life (of Israelis) is more important than the freedom of movement of residents dependent on the Palestinian Authority”added the minister, who supports the annexation of the entire West Bank.

Two of the victims are in their thirties, while the third, a man in his fifties, succumbed to his injuries after his evacuation, detailed the Magen David Adom, the Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross. On the night of Friday to Saturday, two attacks carried out by Palestinians had already targeted Jewish settlements in the same region.

Since the start of the war between Israel and the Gaza Strip, triggered in response to the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, violence has flared up in the West Bank, where about 490,000 Israelis live in settlements among three million Palestinians. The UN says about 650 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army or settlers since October 7. At least 23 Israelis, including soldiers and police, have died in Palestinian attacks or army operations, according to official Israeli data.

Since Wednesday, the Israeli army has been carrying out raids on several towns and refugee camps in the northern West Bank. At least 22 Palestinians have been killed in this “anti-terrorist operation”during airstrikes, gunfire or combat, mostly fighters from Palestinian armed groups fighting against Israel, led by Hamas and its ally Islamic Jihad.


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