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Move for 30 minutes every day!

Move, Great National Cause

Behind this engaging formula hides a strong ambition: encourage every individual, regardless of age or fitness level, to devote 30 minutes a day of physical activity.

Why move?

The sedentary lifestyle is the evil of the century. She is there 4th cause of death in the monde and the 1st cause of death avoidable. L’inactivity East responsible of 9 % of the death In .

A physical activity of moderate or sustained intensity of numerous beneficial effects on healthtant physique what mental.

How to move?

To move, It is practice and sportbut also travel by bike, take a walk with family, opt for stairs rather than the elevator, integrate a active break from the work daypasser his phone calls while standing or even gardenerFor example.

There is no need to become an athlete to collect the benefits of physical activity,The main thing is to move. Move more, more often and more regularly.

And how do you move?

That we are city ​​dweller, student, retirement or in a situation of handicap, move 30 minutes a day can take various forms.

15 minutes
bike to go
look for bread
14 minutes
game with your
domestic animal
1 minute
abdominal plank
in the evening before going to bed

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Every monthfind on this page our exercise ideas pour « Move for 30 minutes every day » :

A few steps from your home

Good health needs to be worked on every day and it starts just a few steps from home! By enjoying yourself in your local shops.

It starts with a few steps

Good health needs to be worked on every day and today it starts with a few walks! By favoring the stairs instead of the elevator.

Sow your health

Gardening is an activity that mobilizes many muscles and joints: enough to awaken and tone your body, deeply. It can also be a group activity, to be done as a family and thus spend time with your loved ones, your neighbors in the context of shared gardens like in Banlay… Like sport, gardening can be a very good way to maintain and create social connections. History of sharing the beneficial effects of gardening together!

You can lose up to 400 calories per hour digging soil or aerating compost. Just planting seeds can burn up to 160 calories in just 30 minutes!

Have another glass of

Even though walking or brisk walking is not as intense an activity as running, it is still a complete sport. In addition to helping you maintain good physical shape, walking works your joints, muscles, tendons and the cardiorespiratory system.

Additionally, people walking even two to three times a week would be less anxious. Better yet: by maintaining regular physical activity, anxiety disorders can greatly reduce or even disappear. The same goes for stress.

Walk on 6 legs

Taking a breath of fresh air, slowing down, reconnecting with nature… all this promotes relaxation and stress reduction.
Beyond birdsong, you should know that natural colors like blue and green have calming effects! And your dog can benefit from it too. In addition, walking promotes digestion and joint health for the duo! Walking not only meets your pet’s physical needs, but also provides mental and emotional stimulation.

Did you know? A person with a dog is perceived as being more sociable. You will therefore have more chance of having social interactions and chatting with your neighbors as well as other owners during your outing.

Everyone benefits from walks, as long as they are appropriate: remember to take your dog’s needs and limits into consideration so as not to ask too much or not enough.

To the office by bike

Did you know?

Going to work by bike allows you to get to the office faster than by car or public transport if your commute is between 1 and 5 km. In addition to having a greener behavior, you do yourself good:

– Improved immune system
– Better cholesterol level
– Reduced risk of certain cancers
– Better balance and coordination
– Reduction of diabetes
– And much more!

Move out!

Cleaning is sport! Washing tiles works on flexibility and stretching. Vacuuming for 30 minutes burns 130 calories. This is without mentioning the virtues of the lawn mower which makes you lose 215 calories in 30 minutes… as much as a jogging session! Every day, just half an hour of activity is enough to stay in shape ????

Take on the challenges!

All means are good to get moving! Even from home, arm yourself with your smartphone, invite your friends, your family, choose a musical trend and challenge yourself!

But it’s not that simple!
To learn a choreography, you have to get your body used to the movement. Learn with the eyes, and practice with the body. This means that you must first study the choreographer to fully understand their movement, execution, and timing. Synchronizing movements with the music and simultaneously performing numerous changes of direction and opposite directions… this can take a long time to learn but everyone can do it!

No need to be pros!

Good health needs to be worked on every day and today, you don’t need to be professionals!

Some reasons to play sports with friends:
– We motivate ourselves more easily
– We progress more quickly
– The session goes faster
– Training is more fun
– It strengthens friendship
– And we meet new people!


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