In Bordeaux, a sustainable building right down to the woods – Libération
DayFR Euro

In Bordeaux, a sustainable building right down to the woods – Libération

Real estate: report

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For the needs of a campus intended for the Ionis higher education group, Linkcity has imagined a scalable construction which aims to last, even if its use were to change.

A reversible building designed to live several lives. From design to construction site implementation, this formula has become a mantra for many professionals keen to boost the ability of buildings to last over time. This new approach is gaining momentum because it allows us to better meet the current requirements of low-carbon construction in cities. The objective: to save money on materials and improve energy performance by anticipating future needs so as not to have to break everything in the event of a change of purpose of the building.

It is by following this circular economy approach that the new campus of the Ionis higher education group – business and engineering schools – has been taking shape for almost a year now, replacing a large above-ground car park in the Ravezies district of Bordeaux. Since the arrival of the tramway in 2008, the sector has been constantly changing. Leading this operation called “Confluence”, Linkcity, a real estate development subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, has designed an “evolving” building that mixes wood and concrete. With a total surface area of ​​7,670 m², it is ready to accommodate around a thousand students by the autumn. “Today, it is a place of education. In the distant future, we could imagine that it will be replaced by offices. Our role in all this has been to imagine a modular place. The more we anticipate, the easier it will be to make changes to it.


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