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This radar sees the future, it flashes motorists a day in advance

This astonishing story happened to Olivier, a motorist traveling in Haute-Garonne. The latter received a fine for speeding, following a surprise infraction by a radar located between two small towns in the department. But as he looked more closely, he noticed an intriguing detail.

The date of the report was indeed Sunday, November 5. However, that day, Olivier was on the weekend. He did not use his car, as he told the journalists of La Dépêche. His wife and son didn’t use it either:

“When I looked more closely at the date recorded on the document, I realized that it corresponded to Sunday November 5. However, on that day, my car was parked in front of my home in Cadourssince we were on the weekend. And I didn’t use it.”

The radar flashes it a day early

However, the explanation for this astonishing flash was quickly found. The time of the fine corresponded to a passage in front of the radar on another day, in this case November 6, 24 hours later.

“In fact, I realized that the time of the verbalization, 8:21 p.m. precisely, corresponded to the time I returned from work the following day, that is to say Monday, November 6. So, yes , due to lack of attention, I did commit a speeding violation that day but not on November 5.”

A cancelable PV?

An error which raises questions about the reliability of the radar. Especially since another motorist was wrongly flashed on Christmas Day! Enough to make Olivier ask legitimate questions:

“If it is possible for the date to go wrong, is the speed at which the radar is triggered reliable over time? And were the people checked actually speeding?”

In the meantime, our driver should not have too much difficulty contesting the fine because of this date issue. So, notice to motorists: be careful to look carefully at all the details in the event of a fine. The wrong date can help you avoid fines.

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To summarize

Do radars see the future? Still, one of these machines seems to stand out for its medium gifts. Motorists have thus received fines after being flashed by a radar a day before their passage.


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