Security, catering, cleaning… The challenge of retraining Olympic Games employees
DayFR Euro

Security, catering, cleaning… The challenge of retraining Olympic Games employees

This Monday, the Île-de-France region is launching the My job after the Games platform, offering 30,000 job offers from 40 major public and private employers.

It’s over! On Sunday, France said goodbye to the Games with the Paralympic closing ceremony. While the French will regret the end of this golden interlude, for some, waking up will be particularly difficult. This is particularly the case for the employees of the Olympic and Paralympic Games who worked to make the event a success and whose mission has ended.

In order to facilitate their reclassification, the Île-de-France region is launching a platform this Monday to help them find sustainable employment. Its name: My job after the Games. For companies, as for candidates, you simply have to enter a job, or a skill, and an area to access the available options. « It is not enough to succeed at the Olympics, we must also succeed in their legacy »explains Valérie Pécresse, president (LR) of the Île-de-France region, who is leading the project hand in hand with France Travail. The stakes are high. The few weeks of trials required the help of nearly 180,000 employees, including subcontractors, before and during the competitions, including 150,000 for the capital region alone. A large majority are already assured of continuing with the same employer in different missions. However, this is not true for everyone. « If we add the volunteers, it is estimated that 40 000 of them are likely to find themselves unemployed »warns the elected official.

Such an outcome would be a failure. A significant portion of them were able to benefit from training and acquired valuable experience during these few weeks. « The Olympic Games were a huge training campus for careers »greets Valérie Pécresse, who points out in particular « know-how » et « the desire to work » that employees and volunteers have shown throughout the competition. For some, this period has been an opportunity to get closer to employment or to get back on track after a difficult period. « Our close work with companies collaborating on the Games to understand their needs and respond to them has enabled the hiring of more than 30 000 people, especially in security, catering or cleaning. Among them, 50 % had been unemployed for several months and were looking in other sectors » rejoices Nadine Crinier, regional director of France Travail Île-de-France.

On the employer side, the demand for these profiles is definitely there. « There are strong hiring intentions across the country »confirms Bernard Cohen-Hadad, president of the Confederation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (CPME) Paris Île-de-France. Better still, employers’ needs often correspond to the profiles available after the Games. Thus, the security, hotel and event sectors are notoriously in shortage. « The importance of thinking about the issue of employment over the long term, beyond the Games, has been a constant », adds the president of the CPME. As proof, even before its release, the platform My job after the Games already listed more than 30,000 job offers, from 40 major public and private employers according to Valérie Pécresse. Among which, « 8 000 jobs at Disney, 5 000 at Carrefour, 1 000 to the Société Générale, or 5 000 in the police »she lists. And the figure should quickly climb with the offer coming from small and medium-sized enterprises.

New practices

The specific question of the integration of former Olympic workers into the local economic fabric could thus be an opportunity to update new, more general practices for the benefit of the unemployed.

The concept of a site dedicated to the regional level is, for example, particularly valued by employer stakeholders. « We have difficulty communicating about our job offersconfirms Bernard Cohen-Hadad of the CPME, and I believe that the region is an optimal level to tackle the subject. It is in proximity that we can make things move. » Within France Travail, the concept also makes sense. « In each region, the labor market has its specificities »underlines Nadine Crinier who cites the very high rate of permanent employment contracts, 80%, in the Paris region. In addition, it is at the regional level that training policy is decided. And while a lot of training has already been provided before the Games, much remains to be done. « Some will need additional training, others will want to take advantage of gateways to do another job. »predicts the president of the Île-de-France region. And to cite for example the security agents moving towards the police or airport platforms. Two big recruiters potentially interested. It is already established that My job after the Games will continue to exist even once the former employees are reassigned.


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