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Mobile reaches record high for second straight day -
Rain-flood, floods, storms… several regions under water -
Rain chances to linger -
Wet Friday, Drier & Warmer this Weekend -
Luke Mockridge mocks para-athletes at 2024 Paralympics -
Pope to Church in the Pacific: Goes to the margins of society -

Sarah Knafo in training with the Trumpists, the Zemmourists lose a big arm – Libération

Sarah Knafo in training with the Trumpists, the Zemmourists lose a big arm – Libération

This week in Frontal

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Also to be found this week in “Frontal”, the newsletter which scrutinises the latest news on the far right: the electoral victory of the AfD in Germany, the electoral map of the far right groups in France, the interview with the author of “La Droitisation française, mythe et réalité”.

Every Tuesday, find la newsletter Frontal, which examines the latest news from the far right.

Security: Reconquest loses its muscles

Former member of the DPS, the security service of the National Front, Yoann Robin is now an activist in the Party of France (PdF). This small ultra-nationalist group includes in its political office a certain Scipion de Salm, editor of the anti-Semitic newspaper Rivarol. Even though he put up a few posters for Marine Le Pen during the 2022 presidential campaign, in recent months Yoann Robin has mainly appeared, with earpiece and badge, in the team ensuring the security of Reconquête events.. “He was responsible for coordinating the GSR [le Groupe de sécurité de Reconquête, ndlr] at podium level at big meetings”a well-informed source told Libé. Indeed, Robin appears in many photos at the foot of the platform or behind Marion Maréchal during her European campaign, or not far from Eric Zemmour during trips. But the man has just returned home: the PdF announced his appointment as national director of its own security service at the beginning of August. The flight of talent continues among the Zemmourists.

At the RN, we support the identitarians blocked by Instagram

How far away are the days when Marine Le Pen forbade her troops from appearing at the demonstration in support of Génération Identitaire, which was threatened with dissolution, in early 2021. The ousting of the accounts of several far-right figures by Instagram has unleashed


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