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the resistible rise”, the La Boétie Institute exposes the rebellious doctrine against the RN – Libération

the resistible rise”, the La Boétie Institute exposes the rebellious doctrine against the RN – Libération


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The think tank linked to LFI has published a collective work of good quality which analyses the springs of the RN vote and the means of combating it. More questionable, certain biases express above all the political strategy of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s movement.

The far right is printing books. Between the works already published and those about to fill the shelves of bookstores, the year 2024 should welcome nearly ten publications on the subject. Politicians are not left out, starting with the most pen-pushers among them, the rebellious and their think tank, the Institut La Boétie created in 2019 but really launched in 2023 by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who are publishing a collective work on September 6, Far Right: The Resistible Rise (Amsterdam ed., 259 pp., 18 euros). Coordinated by sociologist Ugo Palheta, author of The Possibility of Fascism (ed. la Découverte, 2018) and The New Fascist International (ed. Textuel, 2022), with a postface by the rebellious MP Clémence Guetté, co-president of the think tank, the book includes around ten contributions from journalists and academics, some of them renowned, such as the professor at the Collège de France Didier Fassin, author of an interview on the extreme right-wing shift of the police, or the professor at the Sorbonne Johann Chapoutot, specialist in Nazism (and also a columnist at L


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