Netanyahu faces a country at the end of its tether – Libération

Netanyahu faces a country at the end of its tether – Libération


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The war between Hamas and Israeldossier

The news of the deaths of six people held in the enclave on Sunday has sparked unprecedented protests, leading to a general strike. Protesters are calling on the Israeli prime minister to reach an agreement to bring the prisoners back alive.

Demonstration, general strike and funeral procession. Or anger, determination and mourning. On Monday, September 2, in three stages, Israel saw a part of its society unite in an unprecedented way against its Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his conduct of the war in Gaza. The vast majority of opponents are not asking for “peace” – the word, taboo since the October 7 massacre by Hamas, is totally absent from the slogans – but a “hostage deal.” The deaths of six of them, announced Sunday morning by the Israeli army, triggered a wave of protests unprecedented since the start of the war.

Almog Sarusi, 26, Alex Lobanov, 32, Carmel Gat, 40, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, and Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, were among the finalists. “shot dead by Hamas terrorists with several shots at point-blank range,” the Health Ministry said after the autopsy of the bodies, found in a tunnel in Rafah. Their murders are believed to have taken place between Thursday and Friday morning. According to several Israeli media outlets, at least three of the hostages killed were on the list of people to be released during the first phase of the ceasefire, according to the plan supposed to end the war. This peace agreement, pushed by Washington for three months,


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