“What other way can we show our support?”

“What other way can we show our support?”

TESTIMONIALS – The anonymous people who contributed to the kitty launched after the death of Éric Comyn, killed on August 26th during a refusal to comply, testify that they gave both out of solidarity for the family and to show their support for the speech of the gendarme’s widow, highlighting the laxity of French justice.

“I was shocked by what happened, like many French people I imagine.” Mickaël, 47, does not often participate in online fundraisers. But after the death of Warrant Officer Éric Comyn, killed on August 26 during a refusal to comply in Mougins, in the Alpes-Maritimes, by a repeat offender, this Breton wanted to show his support for the family. As a sign of solidarity, of course, explains this father, moved by the thought of the gendarme’s two children who were left orphans. But especially after the speech of his widow, given Thursday during a tribute ceremony. Harmonie Comyn hammered home, “loud and clear”which “France killed (her) husband” par “its inadequacy, its laxity and its excess of tolerance.” Words that have gone viral on social media.

“It brought tears to my eyes.”entrusts this framework to the SNCF, which asserts itself “completely agree” with the widow’s speech. “It may not have been France that killed her husband,” nuance Mickaël, “but the institutions, the class…

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