The smartphone monster is on sale!

The smartphone monster is on sale!

So, ready to discover the beast of the year? We’re obviously talking about the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, the latest from Samsung that promises to make sparks. We’re going to dissect this technological gem together and see what’s hidden under the hood. Whether you’re a smartphone pro or simply curious, hang on tight, it’s going to be amazing!

Content designed and offered by The Figaro Services The editorial staff of Le Figaro did not participate in the production of this article.


What is this Galaxy S24 Ultra?

The S24 Ultra is Samsung’s new baby. Imagine a smartphone with a huge screen, photos that send heavy, and enough power to make you forget that you are not on a gaming PC. With its 6.8-inch screen in 3120 x 1440 resolution, it is enough to say that Netflix or your favorite games will take on a whole new dimension. In terms of design, it is beautiful, it is big, and it imposes itself – perfect for those who like to show that they have taste.

And the pictures in there?

Ah, the photo part. This is clearly the strong point of this model. You have there a main sensor of 200 Mpx. No, it’s not a joke! We’re talking about an incredible level of detail: one shutter button and you’re ready to become the official photographer of all parties. Selfies, portraits, landscapes, photos of your cat getting into mischief, nothing can resist it. You’ll no longer have any excuses for blurry photos, that’s for sure.

How does it perform?

Under the hood, the Galaxy S24 Ultra packs a crazy processor (hello the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3), supported by 12 Go to RAM. Don’t know what that means? Basically, it’s super fast. Open 36 apps at once? Check. Play 3D games without slowdowns? Check again. It’s clearly built for anything you ask of it. Plus, with a battery life that holds up (yes, really), there’s no need to lug a charger around everywhere.

But then, how much does this toy cost?

Okay, let’s be honest, we’re going to have to break the piggy bank. We’re talking about a price that starts around 1000 euros. Yes, it’s a budget, but given what it offers, it’s clearly an investment in your daily pleasure. Think of it this way: it’s a smartphone that will save you from lugging around a camera, a tablet, and even a mini PC.

Is it worth it?

It depends on you. If you like having the best, use your phone for everything, and want to impress your friends at the next party, go for it! It’s like having a Ferrari in your pocket, without the gas. But if you’re just looking for a phone to text and scroll through Instagram on, it might be a bit overkill (but admit it’s tempting, right?).

The final word

In short, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is a real monster. It has everything going for it: power, style, photo quality… and yes, a price to match. But if you’re looking for the ultimate in smartphones, it’s hard to do better. So, who’s going to fall for it?


The prices mentioned in this article are for information purposes only. When you buy through our sales links, we may receive an affiliate commission.


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