3 treatments to promote hair growth

3 treatments to promote hair growth

Known for their benefits on the face, these techniques offer a real boost and radiance to the scalp. Review of three timeless places for the proper care of the bulb.

Whether manual or mechanical, these methods that come to us from India or America, aim to regenerate the scalp and promote regrowth. If classic hair salons offer massages, these institutes will know how to take the time, in another way, just for your fibers.

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1. The Keravive Hydrafacial treatment at the Holidermie Apartment

The Holidermie Apartment, in the 4e district in Paris.

This little machine, called Hydrafacial, detaches and sucks up dead cells that clog hair follicles. But perhaps you’ve already heard of it on the epidermis of the face, where its action on pores is praised? Originally founded in California by American dermatologists, this technology (increasingly widespread in French institutes) is now adapting to hair. This painless treatment promotes volume, growth and regrowth, while deeply soothing the scalp, supports Ninon Le Gall, naturopath and facialist at the Holidermie Apartment, a 180 m2 space2 dedicated to body and skin care. I recommend it to people who experience itching, flaking or severe hair loss.”

For 45 minutes, lying on a heated mattress, the experience is carried out in three stages. It is important to arrive with clean hair!the expert specifies. This will allow the product, which does not grease the material, to sit for three days before the next wash.. » The treatment begins with a chemical exfoliant based on natural active ingredients (honey extract, salicylic acid, meadowsweet, willow bark and Tasmanian pepper), combined with the device’s exfoliating tip and manual massages. For the second step, the scalp is infused with a nourishing blend that accelerates hair growth, thanks to niacinamide, peptides and vitamin B5. Ninon Le Gall’s hands gently massage the scalp, neck and chest, before finishing with a dynamic gesture that promotes blood circulation in the scalp. For the third step, we offer a non-greasy serum, formulated from the same molecules as the product used during the treatment, to be applied every day to dry hair until the bottle is used up. »

At the end of the treatment, the hair is clearly more voluminous and regenerated, but it will take a few weeks before observing its density. This treatment remains expensive, Ninon Le Gall, however, breathes. This is because the HydraFacial is very expensive. If you want to get the best results, I advise my patients to do it three times in three months.”

The Keravive Hydrafacial treatment at the Holidermie Apartment, at 44 rue Vieille du Temple (4e), 300 euros for 45 minutes.

2. The energizing signature treatment at Studio Fauve

Studio Fauve, in the 11the district in Paris.

Studio Fauve was only launched in October 2023. Its founder, Marine Morel, devotes it to the well-being of fibers from all angles: from hair to eyebrows, including body hair! More than a space for care, I like that we come here to relax the body and the psyche,” asks the entrepreneur. The raw concrete walls are softened by the old pink chosen for the space. In the center, a sink carved in stone is the first step. The ritual begins with a hand cleansing, followed by a massage with the signature oil “à l’esprit sauvage”, from the range of products bearing the name of the place. All that remains is to join the treatment cabin.

«For hair, I rely on fascia, a membrane that holds organs, muscles and bones together, but which tightens a lot on a daily basis. Which sometimes causes flaking and itching,” poses Marine Morel. After a gentle cleaning with a brush, the organ is relaxed thanks to Japanese tools (spike brushes) combined with “ repetitive, circular and slow “. The gestures target areas prone to loss of density, such as the crown (above the forehead), thus facilitating the detoxification of the scalp for better regrowth. ” Fasciatherapy is a very popular alternative medicine in India and is said to even chase away bad energies! “, she explains. In the space of 1 hour, and thanks to the use of oil, the body lets go in its entirety, like a moment for oneself, much more than for its fibers… The moment ends with lemon water and a comforting homemade cake.

The energizing signature treatment at Studio Fauve, at 49 rue St Sabin (11e), 130 euros per hour.

3. Mesotherapy at Maison Lutetia

Maison Lutetia, in the 17the district in Paris.
Lutetia House

Just ring the bell at 6 rue Ampère for the large wooden door to open mechanically. Between the moldings and the marble furniture, this place nestled in the 17the arrondissement is an expert in aesthetic medicine and hair transplants. For those who are more reluctant to follow instructions, the space even offers gentle skin care, such as Lift & Glow or Collagen Booster. But the place is also renowned for mesotherapy, an intermediate technique of micro-injections of hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, biotin and other nutrients, deposited on the surface of the skin… If the process is often used to unify the complexion and offer a real boost of radiance to the face, its benefits are just as real on the scalp. I recommend this treatment to people who suffer from alopecia or who have experienced hormonal imbalance, because it will considerably slow down hair loss by providing nutrients to the bulb thanks to the mesotherapy gun. And thus increasing blood flow and hair density, which will be more resistant, strong and shiny. For concrete results, I recommend having a session every 15 days for three months, before spacing them out once a month for the same period, ” explains cosmetic doctor Sarah Fadli.

Sitting in the treatment chair, the expert applies the product using a comb to the entire scalp for 30 minutes. The injections only remain on the surface, she notifies. This technique, which is not painful, remains very different from classic injunctions which can in fact constitute a foreign body in the organism for some people. Once the microinjections are done, the session ends with 15 minutes of light therapy, whose light rays regenerate the cells of the scalp and stimulate the growth of new hair follicles. After the session, Sarah Fadli recommends not washing your hair for 48 hours after the treatment, to better allow the active ingredients to infuse.

Mesotherapy at Maison Lutetia, at 6 rue Ampère (17e), 250 euros for 45 minutes.


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