Some 500,000 travellers were welcomed during the Olympic Games in accommodation rented on the Airbnb platform, the French general director indicated on Monday, insisting that “Prices have remained reasonable”. “There was a very strong effect of the Olympic Games” in host cities like Paris or Marseille, but “also and above all” around these cities, explained Clément Eulry on Radio Classique. “Half a million travelers” were welcomed through the platform, he said, generating “an additional purchasing power of 1,000 euros on average for residents of the Paris region” hosts, he added.
According to an initial assessment by the Paris Tourist Office published last week, 11.2 million visitors (85% of whom were French) took part, with or without a ticket, in activities related to the Olympic Games in the Paris region between July 23 and August 11. Among them, 3.1 million French and foreign tourists (+19.2% compared to 2023) and 3.1 million visitors came for the day (coming from outside the Île-de-France region, comparable to 2023), the rest of the visitors coming from the Paris region. With the 4 million visitors expected for the Paralympic Games (90% of whom were French), the event should therefore attract 15 million visitors.
Moderate prices thanks to a surge in supply
For hoteliers, after a more than gloomy start to July, occupancy rates finally reached 84% in Paris intramural, 10 points more than on the same dates in 2023 (July 23/August 6). The occupancy rate for tourist rentals in Paris reached 62% during these Games, more than in 2023 despite the surge in the number of listings, according to AirDNA, a firm that analyzes data from several platforms (Airbnb, Abritel, etc.). On the flagship American platform Airbnb “Prices have remained reasonable” because the offer has “greatly increased”explained Mr. Eulry.
If some owners had been accused of wanting to rent at high prices, “Guests who rented at a reasonable price found their reservation”he argued. Furthermore, “one in ten travelers having stayed in Paris” during the Games in an Airbnb accommodation “made another trip to France after the closing ceremony”the platform had indicated.